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Posts posted by RiggerLee

  1. Yes that's a double keel. Tom Manship. When I herd that he went in I put in a bid on his old rig. I was afraid some young twit of a jumper would throw it out not knowing what it was. The family was kind enough to intrust it to me. It's one of the few double keels that I know the location of. Nice canopy. I was trying to explain to his sister what it looked like. She found a pic of a single. You might refrence her to this pic. I don't think she's ever seen it.

    [email protected]

  2. This is it. Last call, all aboard, train pulling out. There are slots open. Who’s packed, crampons sharp, ice axe ready?
    This is a no frills expedition. There are no guides, no support, and no fucking helicopters. It’s skiing, hiking, climbing. You’ll be pulling a 200lb sled over a hundred miles. 5-6 weeks late April to early June. I’ll be buying tickets soon and will have exact dates within a week. You’re looking at about $4000 for the trip if you have all your toys and are ready to play. Expect temps as low as –15 F at the beginning. By the end of the trip it will be quite warm.
    This is my third trip up there to this area. The first one I was on the ice for 7 ½ weeks. The second I was there for over three months. The walls are beyond any thing you can imagine. I wound up alone on both of those trips although Ox and Dave were up there for a few weeks during the first one. This whole thing started with some people I met over Thanks Giving. As it turns out the last one bailed today.
    So who wants to play? Yep, this is last minute but who is ready to throw down right now on the trip of a lifetime. I’ve already mailed 80lb of food and my rope. So I’m going. The question is does any body want to come with. I wont bullshit you it’s a rough and tumble, exhausting, hard-core trip. This can quickly turn into epic shit. Expect leads, crevasses, rock fall, avalanches, arctic storms, and to be stalked by polar bears. I’m up grading my 12 to a 10 gage full of slugs. I don’t blame the people that bailed. I respect them. This post is fishing for a one in a thousand chance of finding some one.
    If you’re in send a resume ASAP.

    [email protected]

  3. There were a number of changes made when Hazlet worked on the supper Raven. Some of them are easy to spot. The Supper Raven has two tapes running up from the attachment points on the rib. They skipped the one running backwards at the D, low load area. The Raven only had one vertical tape. It makes a difference. You can see it from above. The Supper Raven has a less “bumpy” airfoil front to back then the Raven.
    The Bridle reinforcing is different. The supper Raven has a one inch wide span wise tape on top and bottom. As I recall the old Raven had only a patch. I’ve got an older canopy here in the shop but I’m too lazy to dig it out. I think the Raven had a vertical zigzag rather then the two horizontal bar tacks of the supper Raven at the line attachment point. I might be confusing it with another canopy so check me on that.
    If people are really looking I have a bunch of Supper Ravens 2, 3, and 4’s. They were reserves that were in service for only a year or two. Few if any jumps. Bad news is they need to be relined. Long story, bought them at a Gov. auction. They made me cut the lines off. Well most of them any ways. Some got “missed” some how… But those have all been sold. The only question is are you man enough to jump a Pussy Pink canopy?

    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

  4. How's it going. I shouldn't criticize. I'm not the speediest climber or jugger myself. I hope your hip is feeling better. I'd love to have a copy of your video. I'm not a geek. I guess the best way to do this is to get a disk of the m-peg or avi. You can send it right here to the shop:

    Applied Deceleration
    P.O. Box 312
    Whitewright, TX 75491

    You can also reach me here at:
    [email protected]

    I turned in the slides today and should have them back by the end of the week. I'm not sure but I should have some pictures of you. Did I jump before you? You might check the web site in a week or so. If you like any of them we can send you the file.

    [email protected]

  5. This is Lee. I just got back into the shop. I’m the one that laid rope on the “Big Mud Pile” How do you people come up with these names? In any case I was wondering if we could get a copy of the video shot off of it this Thanksgiving. We’d like to have it for the shop and a number of other people have asked including the climbing shop in Moab. I think some of the climbers from there were on the Cork Screw when you jumped. They’ve helped us out a lot over the years. Including some new rescue pullies for Jimmy.
    We’d be happy to send you a CD, DVD, Tape or what ever if you could burn us a copy of any thing you have from it. I’ve got a few pic’s. They should be up on the site in a few days.
    You can reach me at:
    [email protected]
    [email protected]