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Posts posted by deadmanwalking

  1. Sometimes you end up over lots of rocks, nothing but rocks... You need to control your canopy so you come in softly a top a rock like your hopping from one rock to another, because theres is no little grassy field to land in accuratly. I see people run out there landings all the time, get a canopy you can stop all motion with one foot off the ground. You will be able to land on rocks in trees on hot girls where ever you must. That is why control is more important than accuracy. Although when you can combine the two you become Jedi like Calvin!
    Symmetry doesn't matter.

  2. Skydivers suck at BASE jumping! Too many small canopy jumps. If you want to be a great BASE jumper always jump 7 cell fattys. Also canopy control means everything and canopy accuracy means squat when your landing in rocks. Good luck sky jumpers!
    Symmetry doesn't matter.

  3. Too many sky jumps can wreck your chances of being a good fixed object jumper. If your over 100 then it probably too late for you and you should just continue sky jumping happily ever after.
    Symmetry doesn't matter.