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Dropzone Reviews posted by TheFousts

  1. Simply put...we corresponded via email w/the DZ, jumped in the car and drove the entire Baja Pennisula with three weeks to jump every chance we could get. When we arrived, the first DZ rep explained to me that only jumpers w/high jump numbers (we're new/under 160)could jump there. Now, in our correspondence we covered this topic and even purcheased flotation devices. In chatting with the DZO, he Ok'd us to jump but explained they were having trouble maintaining permission landing on the beach. So, after a week of waiting for them to chat it w/their attorneys (that's what he told us at least), we hit the road and spent out time SCUBA diving. A few days later and 1,000 miles of driving we made it to San Diego where the poeple and the jumps were great.
    After all that...I would recommend emailing with them but even that won't give you any security so I would say, give them time to get organized and professional before going. Those are my thoughts and impression...NOT GOOD. Email me if you want more....