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Dropzone Reviews posted by sky-pimp

  1. With regret i bring this story to you, unfortunately i can not fill in the fields above correctly as i never even got to the DZ so i have given a 3 for all fields.
    Before i left the UK i emailed the DZ more than once to check if i would be able to do a solo jump there as well as take my girlfriend for here first tandem.
    I sent my stats. Jump No etc and this was my response
    We do not rent gear and ask for a valid license minimum of 100 skydives and that you are current
    Thanks again,

    when i got to Mexico i got a rep to give the DZ a call for me to explain what my intensions were and if there was an english speaking person i could speak to .
    there was so i explained myself that i had emailed and wanted to travel to the DZ to jump, now i'm not daft but the guy on the end of the phone did not seem interested in me solo jumping and went into sales mode for the tandem, explaining haw a tandem skydive went free fall, parachute, big smile etc.
    Now as a skydiver i think i already should know this so again i pressed i wanted to solo jump and got this response
    Do you have a rig? Yes
    Do you have your licence? Yes
    Do you have your log book? Yes
    Have you got 200 jumps? WHAT! You said 100 on your email.
    So that was that, after re explaining i had pre planed this with the DZ i still got the same response. Not 200 jumps no jump.
    The reason given for this was that it was not a very big drop zone, that i can understand, safety is at the for front of our sport but i had paid £64.00 in excess baggage charges to get my kit there after first making shore i could jump.
    Well i can't give a view on the DZ or the facility’s as i never even got there.
    This is just a heads up to anyone thinking of jumping here.
    I was badly treated and conducted myself and the way i arranged to jump there correctly.
    Needless to say i did not take my girlfriend there for a tandem.
    Hardly surprising is it!

    Thinking of going to Mexico / Cancun?
    Go, it’s a wonderful place and i will be returning.