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Posts posted by Bill_K

  1. So a friend and I were chatting about all the cool advances in technology and where things are heading these days. So with that said, what would the ultimate full face helmet have built into it? Here are a few of the things that we came up with. I did do a search for a thread like this and did not find one, so without further ado...

    Key features:
  2. Self tinting visor
  3. Fog proof, or as proof as can be
  4. Well ventilated
  5. Built in audible, not just a pocket, actually integrated into said helmet
  6. Flight hud with forward speed, altitude, etc.
  7. Air to air/air to ground communication system
  8. USB port for firmware updates
  9. Comfortable and NOT a retrofitted motorcycle helmet
  10. Built in camera like the google glasses
  11. Wireless video transmission

    What else would make up this pipe dream of a helmet? And yes, I know the cost would be high, and all the arguments about experience to fly it, etc.

    This is just a what 'if' thread. So lets hear it! :)

  12. I have 850-900 jumps on a mantle now. CX-100 side by side mounted with an XSi and it's still going strong. I can't see a reason to change it anytime soon. It's my work horse. There are times that I'd love to have the extra room of a FTPro to use for putting a flash or always on lights, but for 99.9% of my jumps the mantle fits the bill and works very well!

  13. Glad your ok!! Please do post the video if your of mind as this sounds like a GREAT learning opportunity for the rest of us!! It would be great if Ian could see it, I'm sure he could provide some very good coaching based on what he see's in it and some of us, myself included would like to hear it!

  14. Quote



    yep with innocent ppl around yep yep

    i wonder if he makes an error and his foot hhits babys head at 80mph will it be a bit like that iphone game fruit ninja?

    yep yep

    Shit happens. Just ask the crowd at a NASCAR or Hockey game.

    People who go to those events know what to expect. People at a beach hotel probably dont expect to be taken out by a skydiver playing in the pool. Nevertheless, awesome swoop.

    Based on the number of people that seemed to know it was coming, I'm guessing they cleared his intended flight path like a ground crew works a demo. His path seemed to be pretty cleared out all the way through to his landing area on the beach in both swoops... just guessing.

  15. Quote

    What's up with all the videos being taken down?

    I think it was the background music. Those were some DAMN nice videos and edits for such a quick turn around. I wish that I'd have saved them off. Mr. Batsch's distance swoop on day 7's video was the bomb!!! I went back to watch it again today and it was gone... >:(

  16. Quote

    I always say "If you can't land your canopy in front of the pop machine at the dz like you're in Mt. Dew commercial, then you're not ready to downsize yet."

    Well crap... I'll never be able to downsize then because I REFUSE to even attempt to land near ours... that darn thing is 45-50 feet or more deep INTO the hanger and I'm not willing to fly my canopy in there... [:/]


  17. Quote

    hopefully your keyboard if fucked up now

    Na, I was lucky enough to have some paper towels handy. :$

    To the OP:
    As for the subject at hand, I dump from a track quite often. I also pull from full flight in my wing suits or nearly full flight, it's more of a hard stall full flight, but it's NOT all closed up, I'm still hauling ass forward when I pitch.

    At 80 jumps, no, I was tracking, stopping, waving and throwing. Each was a separate activity. Over time they blend together more and more so that your doing all the same things, but there is not the hard stop and think between anymore... just one fluid motion.

    Have fun, be safe, blue skies!

  18. Quote

    Oh man I love the patina of that canoe! That's great.



    I've been giving serious thought to saving my nickels for a photography trip to Detroit in a couple of years, me and a photography buddy to shoot abandoned factories.

    There is some stuff in central Texas that I need to get permitted to shoot first, though!

    I'm going to give some thought to the swooping book, that would be fun to write and if only one person became a safer canopy pilot it would be worth it!

    If you get a chance to do a work shop, jump at it. Another option is find a local photography club/group in your area. I am a member of one here in the Atlanta area and it's a great resource for learning and getting together with other like minded people to learn and shoot. I've also started a once every two weeks photography club at my office where I work. So far that's been a lot of fun too.

    Do you prefer to shoot HDR's only or do you like to do other stuff too?

  19. The swooping book I'd read! Heck that's how I ended up in this thread, I was reading in the latest Sangi thread in the swooping forum. Anyway, for a GREAT flash, check out these Yongnuo YN-560 II. They are very affordable, but great quality for what you get.

    I have and love Nik software. Photomatix is good too though. I like the selective color you have on your site. Here is my own personal fav selective color shot.

  20. Quote

    Everyone, thank you for the support. Since most of my gear has since sold and I spent the money on a new camera body I've really wanted (photography is another fairly serious hobby of mine), the pain was lessened slightly.


    Thanks for the thread and a peek into your soul. That's a hard decision to make and to follow through with.

    So which camera body did you get? :)

  21. Title: GA State Wingsuit Record Attempts @ WingDing '12
    Date: 2012-09-14 to 2012-09-16

    We will be going after the GA state record a second time in one year this Sept 14-16 at Skydive Monroe. We will have a Casa for Saturday and Sunday of the event.

    The current GA record is a 6 way. Our goal is to at least double that if possible this Sept.

    Warm up's begin on Friday afternoon out of our brand new and VERY fast Super King Air. Practice and attempts will be made from a Casa starting at 8 AM on Saturday morning. See you there!

    Contact: Bill Killillay
    Email: bkillillay AT gmail DOT com

    please follow the URL above for more specific details pertaining to the event.

  22. Quote

    Wingsuit stuff was good.

    Freeclimbing stuff was amazing.

    The free climbing and slack lining stuff had me holding my breath, even though I knew the outcomes I was still awe struck and holding my breath until he'd clear those. Amazing stuff!

    He's right too, things are moving so fast, it will be amazing to see where things are at in a year, two years, three years from now with WS's...

  23. Quote




    It practically lands itself

    Aren't you the guy who forgot to flare and broke in half? That would explain why your canopies land themselves!

    Apparently you've (or Nick) confused me with someone else?

    Nah, I'm pretty sure it was you.;post=3587898;page=3;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;

    Dude, that was pretty uncool and uncalled for. Losing a toggle is far different then 'not' flaring...