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  1. yak

    Belay bitch wanted.

    omg! i'm in heaven (insert drooling smiley)
  2. yak

    hey all

    hey skymama um not too sure about the skydiving bit,i would love to but i have ear equalising problems,can't scubadive,hurts like hell descending in a plane,not sure what skydiving would do,my head might explode. I perforated my eardrumb once just diving into a pool maybe 2 meters. anyways im enjoying this merger and its good that you guys are pretty cool.
  3. yak

    Belay bitch wanted.

    'our' how many ppl you talking about? i'm not a tour guide. 'room' well i could lend u a tent. 'board' wash my ropes,polish my nuts,clean my draws and lube my cams and it's a yes oh and how many flights have you actually landed whilst still being in the plane.
  4. yak

    hey all

    yeh yeh i've wandered from rc.com,just thought i would say a proper hello to you all. so are they're any aussies on this site.
  5. haha,i'll pack ya chute...can i plz,plzzzz it's just like stuffing a sleeping bag,yeh?
  6. yak

    Belay bitch wanted.

    So who's up for a day of belaying,yeh the belayer is really important,you should feel proud,it's like your first step to climbing greatness.
  7. yak

    So...where are they?

    I've been told there's boobies over in this here forum....