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Gear Reviews posted by jumperconway

  1. I own 2 of these swoop machines, an 85'with 1000ish jumps and a newer 88' with 200ish jumps on it. The 88 is the nicest opening canopy I've ever jumped and that's saying a lot because I jumped a Crossfire 1-99'before I bought the 85. The front riser pressure on both are very managable compared to the Velocity and the FX. It is a ground hungry parachute but can stay up with much bigger canopies on rears or brakes on a long spot. You must be careful with these X-braced canopies because of the long recovery arc but that is by design. I highly recommend this canopy for experienced jumpers that want to swoop or shoot camera. The bottom end flare is only outdone by 27 cell canopies in my opinion! If you have the skills to fly this, you won't be disappointed! Next, the Xaos 27!