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  1. So in this months parachutist, in the symposium section, it says that US academy of parachute rigging (usapr) introduced a compact field rigging kit, which included 25 tools. Does anybody now anymore information about this? (where can I get it, how much, etc.).
  2. Yeah, the container is a little tight, but not so bad that my hands are bleeding trying to close it. The pilot chute is new so unless it was made a little small or not to specs that should be fine, guess i'll find out once I hear back from Mirage. Is there a big difference between F-111 and ZP pilot chutes???
  3. So I recently got a new set up, G4 (M3) with a stiletto 150. Some of my favorite jumps are hop & pops. Recently, when jumping the new rig I would pitch the P/C and there will be a good delay with the P/C just dragging behind. The chute eventually opens but a little uncomfortable for my taste. I've been doing hop & pops since I started jumping and never had this problem before, was previously using a G3's. I sent the P/C back to Mirage to see if there is anything wrong with it and am waiting to hear back. Has anybody else had this issue and if so what was the cause/outcome?