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Everything posted by DVolz

  1. A question for the riggers. When is it time to retire a main parachute. If you put 1000 jumps on a canopy and have had it relined, does it still have some usefull life?
  2. Thanks to all who replied it helped make up my mind to look for newer used gear. The whole rig (container, main, reserve) are all from 1990.
  3. Does anyone have any input into having a 7 cell main compared to having a 9 cell main. I had a Safire 190 and sold my gear and am looking to get a new rig. I found one with a sharpchuter 235 ( 7-cell) main. What I know is that 7 cells are usually used for accuracy. The container is an SST racer. If someone has any input into the main or the container please post. Thank you for your input in advance.