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Gear Reviews posted by andym148

  1. I ordered my Freedom plus from Chris who runs headsheild over a year ago, and i have to say i have had no dramas at all with the helmet. I used the on line order form to submit the initial order, and this was followed up by a telephone call to talk about what the paint job would look like. The fur lining is a nice touch and it keeps your head warm on those long rides to altitude. The chin cup holds the helmet securley in place and the ratchet is easy to use, even with thick gloves on. A nice helmet, and one happy customer.

  2. I've had my Pilot 150 now for a little over 300 jumps, wing loaded at 1.26. And still find it a good canopy. The openings feel like they take slightly longer than they should do, but the openings are nice and soft, no aching neck after a weekends hard jumping. I do have end cell closure's quite often, but this is due to my choice of hiding the nose right at the back of the canopy. I've tried differant ways of packing it, laying the nose across to the letf and right and then rolling the nose. This was to see how it effected the openings. The openings were just as soft but they consistantly gave me twist's to which ever side i'd layed the nose.
    Flying the canopy can be as exciting or as docile as the you want to make it. Hard toggle turn the canopy is quick to respond, and on letting up it's quick to recover into straight and level flight. The only over steer i find is after 4/5 hard 360 turns, but only by about 45 degs. On the front risers 90/270 are ok, and the recovery arc is swift. Go for a 360 and it's very hard to keep the riser down, you have to fight to keep it down, the canopy just wants to plane out into level flight. On double front the canopy builds up some good forward speed, and released in a timely fashion allows eough time for it to recover and give a good flare.
    The flare on the pilot is nice and soft, i'm still finding new depths to the flare and getting deep into it before touch down. I've had some good surfs in when ive wanted to, and when i want a straight in approach it offers a nice tip toe landing. And if like me you get it wrong every once in a while, it's very forgiving in all respects.
    In conclusion the Pilot is forgiving in the opening, forgiving of bad body posistions. A nice snivel, and flying the canopy can be as exciting as you want it to be. With good landing charicteristics a good all round canopy for beginers to intermediate and with a higher wing loading experianced pilots too.

  3. I picked up a second hand Sabre2 150 a few weeks back from a friend. I'd previously flown a 190 and a 170 sabre2 so I had an idea of what to expect. The canopy had shrunken brake lines so the canopy was unable to achieve full forward drive, but the canopy was still responsive and produced a good flare. After a new set of brake lines were fitted the differance in the canopy was massive! If I thought the canopy was snappy before, this was like giving it fuel injection. The canopy is only wing loaded at 1.3, and landings in all wind conditions were fantastically soft. I bet given a bit more riser pressure im sure you could easily perform a modest swoop landing!! The openings are soft and on heading, evan after a bit of trash packing.
    In the last couple of weeks Ive jumped - Pilots,Safire2,Spectre's and a sabre all 150, and I can say I enjoy flying the Sabre2.. well in PD.

  4. I've had my Icon for a little over 2 yrs, it is the second one that ive had. I finally got my rig just before xmas 05 with a look to jump it over the xmas boogie in Seville. Initally I was impressed with the rig, all looked good and I was quite happy. Over the first few jumps with it i noticed that there was a slight delay on openings, up to 4/5 seconds on some occasions.On getting the rig inspected by the rigger at seville we came to the conclusion that the pilot chute was at fault, so I payed for a new pilot chute to be made out of ZP, the original was made from F111. This cured the problem. My rig was one of three that me and some friends had made. While I was busy working through my problem in spain they were busy jumping in the uk. One container was fine but the other was having the same problem, and becuse of this delay it caused him to cut away when he got to around 6/7k on his count, and the bag was still firmly lodged on his back. The problem we found out was the pilot chute had been made too small and egg shaped (manufacturing fault). One of the Aerodyne guys came to see us in the uk over easter to look at the problem. They looked at the PC and agreed to send us new ones. This took at least 12 weeks to happen but when we got them we had new PC, bag and freefly pad, all for free so quite happy there. How ever I was still financally out of pocket due to paying for the new PC from spain.
    Now the rigs have been jumped for a year or two, the stitching is coming away on all 3 rigs, and all in the same places. The mud cover on one of the rigs was put too high on one shoulder. This was replaced free of charge by Aerodyne with free shipping. Also my rig was made to measure but it moves around alot when im freeflying and back tracking/back flying and is not what you want happening. Could be cured by cut in latterals, maybe?
    I leave it up to individuals to decide on what container to get, but im not going to get a third one when i order my new container. That should speak volumes!