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  1. I wanted to thank everyone for their response and input. I was riding so high after that first jump and then to hear his comments. I needed to find out if they had any merit. I'm reluctant to name the dropzone, as I don't want to be responsible for sending any negative publicity their way. My whole experience there was totally positive and I do plan on going back.
  2. I recently made my very first jump (tandem) and loved it. I'm hooked and can't wait for my second. I was telling someone about how great the experience was, about the DZ and everyone I had contact with. He proceeds to tell me where I went has one of the worst accident ratings in the country. I saw the fatalities list, but is there a ratings system for overall accidents / incidents, and how can I view such a list? Being my first time I have nothing else to compare it to, and he's been jumping for 5 years. I was all set to make that my DZ to work on getting my license, but now I'm not sure. In the DZ locater it carries a 4 star rating and most reviews have been very positive. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.