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Posts posted by simulacra

  1. My biggest problem is the s-folding, everytime I try to get the canopy in the bag it tends to slide apart, but lately I tend not care so much about it, in due time I'll get more proficient and start understanding the inner workings of zero-p fabric and it's relation to the surrounding air. ;)

  2. On my firts JAD:ed jump (we jump JAD at our dropzone, same thing only with an instructor throwing the PC after you jump) my helmet got ripped off right after exit, surprisingly that was the best jump I've made sofar. :)

    All I've jumped from is a twin otter, door exits seems more difficult since you have to step "out" of the plane first...

  3. About a week ago I started ground school and today we practised the PLF, the only time I ever managed to do things correctly was when the instructor held me by my wrists and somewhat simulated the upward force of the canopy, at all other times I got banged up since I have no coordination in my legs at all, I just dont know what's happening when I start falling.

    At a later stage I even managed to bang the back of my head onto the linoleum floor so hard that I got a few seconds memory lapse.

    It kinda feels like I want to find alternatives to the PLF since I can't seem to get that damn hip-to-shoulder roll into muscle memory... :|

  4. Yea, I did my first tandem with a cpl of friends today too.
    I didn't get video because of the price and the fact that I thought that I might focus too much on the camera and not enjoy the actual dive.

    One could say that I got bitten by the bug, but there's one thing I worry about, it kinda felt like I blocked a whole lot of emotions that ought to be there, I was never nervous, never unsure of what I was doing, no door fear, nothing.
    And now I kinda worry about all those emotions getting to me when I start my S/L training which will scare me to death when I got my own back so to speak.