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Posts posted by Kimbo

  1. My first reserve ride was at jump 2,025. Nothing out, high speed deployment. Having taken that long for my first malfunction, I had concerns about being able to react. Not an issue. Eleven jumps later same story. Then at jump 2,175 I had a jumper inside the otter chop my main on exit and I didn't know it until deployment. My main came off my back and went away. Now that will make you pucker. Three reserve rides...all high speed deployments and no I don't worry about being able to react.

  2. We did a POPS State Record at Skydive Oregon last July and Joe and Theresa and the entire drop zone staff were Top Notch! I had a childhood friend come to the DZ to do tandem and that too was great. Their Caravans are second to none. Their landings area was fabously maintained and they were one of the first DZ to give swoopers their own landing area. I would recommend Skydive Oregon to everyone!

  3. I felt the main come off my back and then within a couple of seconds I new I had nothing out, but didn't know why, so I fired my reserve. In the saddle a 1,000 feet. I was thankful I beat the cyprus. I've already had one of those.

  4. The cutaway handle was a pillow. I'm fairly sure I know who did it because he was beside me in the door and was part of the base we launched. He had a leg strap grip on me and move up to a wrist grip. I think he pulled it when he made the move from leg strap to wrist.

  5. I was organizing a 12-way last week a Lost Prairie and during the climb out or very early in the jump, someone chopped my main. At break off I tracked and pulled, felt the main come off my back and then...nothing. I fired my reserve and was in the saddle at 1,000 feet. I always wondered what that would feel like to have the main just go away. Guard your handles like your life depends on it.

  6. When I asked Bob to join me in my otter for the POPS 2007 record team, he was very humble and asked if I was sure I wanted him. Hell yes! I said. I also remember being last out of an otter at Lost Prairie and telling Bob I'd race him to the base. To this day, I'm sure he let me win. I thought of you often last week when I heard you had got skydiving on the other side. Save me a slot, I will fly with you again one day my friend.

  7. Just for the record. Myself, Larry Elmore and Harry Hopkins have all been Plane Captains on POPS in the past. However, we are assembling a New Team of like minded Plane Captains and Jumpers who want to make some changes and go a new direction. If any Qualified bigway jumpers would like to join us visit our website at

    We do not wish any bad luck or misfortune to the other team, we just want to go a different direction.

    Safe landings,

  8. She hasn't set one foot into her own office in Arizona or Washington, and she has not givin an on camera interview. I don't think she's qualified to do her job! If her doctors say she's fully recoverd and able to return to work, then by all means let her vote. I don't see that.

    I don't care if she's a Rep. or Dem., if she's not capable of doing her job, for what ever reason, she should have been replaced bynow. But our system is so screwed up that no body wants to bring that up because they're afraid of offending someone. If she worked for me, and was not able to do her job, I would have to replace her.

    "The good of the many out weight the good of the few".