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Posts posted by beergood

  1. At further inspection of this thread why does it seem like its one manufacturer's people throwing another manufacturers product under the bus? Am I the only one that see's this in this thread or even in the wingsuit forum in general??? Then again I am sure I am wrong.

    "Strange things are a foot at the Circle K" B&T

  2. Is it possible that some of these are not routing everything correctly or only half ass fastening the snap into place so its not locked properly? I have done that many times with snaps especially back in the 80's with my fly snap up shirts! Farmer McNasty has a bone head of mine with a ProTrack in it because I half assed closing my chin strap. Everything was fine head down then went belly to dump and bam $400 down the drain. Not a flaw in the helmet B| So I seriously doubt its a design flaw in the Prodigy and more of a pilot error in routing or fastening a snap properly or just not paying enough attention to the gear when putting it on. Just a thought or two.

  3. edit to remove quotation from previous posts, with references to and threats of physical violence ~TA

    I think you handled your self very well until now. I have never met you but was staying open minded to your position on this. Until now all the people threatening you etc looked bad because you kept your composure. Then you drop this I am a bad ass bomb and step too me I will beat your ass. This really in my eyes hurt your position as well as my opinion of you (which I realize means nothing). Next time really think about what your saying. Obviously actions speak louder than words ask the guy that pulled a gun on you with no intention of REALLY using it. He got what he deserved. Threats in a forum are empty, faceless, and childish. Just a thought. Good luck with the training of Clair. Maybe post some good vid so we can see how really good she is.

  4. You asked everyones opinion and they are telling what they think is the safest situation for you. If you get a chance take a look at videos from the last few BDs and see which jumps get ugly due to gear. Serious stuff and people pulling it out of their ass. Its not skydiving you have seconds between exit and some sort of landing. If you can swing it rent gear. Nothing worse than gear fear at 876ft. Cut back on beer between now and then or eating out you will thank yourself later!!!! Good luck and enjoy bridgeday.

  5. Nice job Gardner. I just sent my letter and was very easy even for a complete moron like my self. Now lets pound these people with letters and remind them of the economic impact of BASE jumpers pulling out of bridge day festivities.

  6. Quote


    Tomorrow, I meet with the Bridge Day Commission to discuss the situation.

    Ask them how their community will feel if the Bridge Day celebration starts being held in Idaho. You've got these people by the balls. Just start squeezing.

    To hell with bridges lets take over the Stratosphere in Vegas! Cheaper flights, hotel rooms, and gambling!!:ph34r:

  7. Quote

    Matt flew the Firebird and was able to keep up with mike who was in a V1 when they punched it out on break off. Guys are really getting excellent performance from the Firebird when flying with the big suits.:)

    This has been an amazing year for perfomance in wingsuits. The vampire currently has set the standard in perfomance which all suits are now compared too. Wingsuit flying is getting more and more exciting by the day hell almost the HOUR!!!!!

    Stay cool out there guys and drink lots of beer eeeerr I mean water! B|

  8. Jari seems to be real happy with his Katana / wingsuit combination. Then again he has quite a few more jumps. I know Robert @ morpheus jumps his velocity with his V-1 and has not had any chops and seems to be happy with it. So it can be done but best bets are square more docile canopies. The Pilot seems to be getting stronger and stronger reviews.

  9. Just curious is there any video of the PHI in flight or even a better close up of it in flight the one picture was from so far away all you could see were the cool design, colors and scaloped wings. I would assume with all the flying of it in public that Jari or Scott spoke of with Jussi there should be lots of video out there. Please post some we are all very excited to see this suit. There has been so much fan fair!!!!

  10. Sparky I guess I should have split the sentence up. I jump at a busy DZ and have seen the big poofy canopies come in from 400 different directions cutting each other off. Not one canopy coming in from 400 directions. They often get fixated on landing. They set up trying to hit the pees or something in deep breaks hanging right over the main landing area facing multiple directions and you have no clue what they are doing. Often seeing them make radical changes very low to the ground. To be honest I often go around them or land way out because I dont trust what they are doing. Also pull high and fly in breaks to let them burn it down to 2000 grand and float in deep breaks to the ground. This is not a slam on them just the fact that the hated H/P swooper is not the total problem I think we are all searching for the best possible solution. Like I said in my original post the pond was built right in the main landing area. Which I think is a large part of the problem. Build it and the H/P canopies will come and they dont mind walking!

  11. I think part of the blame is on the DZ. Most are building swoop ponds right in front of manifest or in the main landing area. Building the pond away from the main landing area would solve some of the problems. I know one DZ out west built their pond a great distance from the main landing area with bleachers. I think this is the trend we need to look at and go with. However, all those that want to jump on the slam the swooper band wagon I cant tell you how many times I have watched people on larger canopies come floating in fixated on landing in 400 different directions cutting people off. So lets becareful how quick we judge and accuse swoopers of being the reason for canopy traffic issues. There are many constructive things we can learn without slamming one another

  12. Maybe was a bit strong I just questioned his opinion on a suit none of us have seen in person or flown. How can you have an opinion. I am sure he is a great moderator but just seemed to speak out of turn on something none of us had seen other than pictures. Hince Uncle C having to explain the diff. Hope everyone has a great weekend at Lake Whales!

  13. I can see now why Perry made the statement he made and left Funny how two pictures of the suit are out for all of 5 minutes and and someone who has not even seen the suit, flown the suit, and has financial interest in a competitors product has picked it apart and shown the faults with it. Does anyone think that PF would release an exact copy of some suit designed a couple of years ago for BMI??? I am sure each suit will speak for itself in the air. We all know that Robert is not going to release a suit that he has not put his all into as well as tons test jumps. That V-1 sure was a FLOP. :S

    just wondering if I will get banned now?