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Everything posted by ohsokeen

  1. I couldn't imagine NOT having a "skydiving shaped hole" in my life, but it looks like I'm going to have to face that reality. MONEY! It really is the root of ALL evil, when it can prevent you from doing the one thing you truly love. I started doing tandems a couple of years ago and feel in love with the sport. When I had money, I didn't have enough confidence to go solo. After I gained my confidence, I completed 2 training stages and was aiming to get my license UNTIL I realised that paying my mortgage, expensive dental work, an operation, doing general maintenance around the house, fixing the plumbing etc etc etc, is quite basically, going to stop me from living my dream. I know everyone has issues with money, BUT THIS REALLY SUCKS!!! If I'm really careful with my money, I might at least be able to do a tandem every year or so - Better than not jumping at all, right?