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Posts posted by eaglenrider

  1. I can trace my roots to the inventor of the unicycle.
    It was a good idea at the time but one must keep up with the advancements in technology.
    Go two wheels my freind, unless you just want to make a spectacle of yourself.


  2. Quote


    The reason I ask is that I am related to Sammy Davis Jr.

    Actually, my mom's family is named Sanders.....and every other Sanders I have met were of Sammy Davis Jr's race.....so maybe we are related after all?:|

    Funny , I can also trace my family back to southern aristocrats including that famous southern Colonel ..,

    Have some finger lickin' !!
    It's Kosher!!

    Cliff White

  3. Quote

    Ok. Thanks man! Great advice!

    No problem. Now get out there and play Bass like a Brotha.
    Or you could tuck in your shirtails .tighten the knot in your tie and play what's on the "music stand" .


  4. Quote


    On the 4 string bass geetar, that is.

    Ya suck ass as a bass player!
    Sorrry if that sounds harsh but it is reality.

    Try the cello or maybe a violin.

    A good bass player needs *soul* . He ain't askin' how to play a song!! He's just layin' it down!!


    Pick up that base ,Brother, and just bounce away on what you FEEL!

    Eat you some chicken and down some Thunderbird !!!!!


  5. Quote

    it's Paddy wagon :|

    Tracing my geneology to Irish ancestors I am offended by the term "Paddy wagon"!

    It reminds me of Montgomery ,Alabama 1955 and my great grandmother twice removeds' (Rosa Parks)) struggle there. Then those mobile cages were called "Nigga Wagons".


  6. Quote

    Is it necessary to leave the tiolet seat up?...


    Yo' Casie,
    At my place the rule is "Toilet Seat UP".

    It ain't no man thing.
    Fact is that poisonous spiders may be lurking right between the seat and bowl and go unnoticed if the seat is constantly in the down position.
    Want a brown recluse suckin your cheeks?

    I ain't been out for a while!


  • Quote

    Thanks! But we are still going to Hell anyway, since we don't accept Jesus as our savior, right?:S

    More correctly for "Killing" the Saviour!;)
    But we Gentiles could probably give you a pass on that one if you'll just step into these showers to cleanse yourselves.

    Hey Marcandalysse, do you trace your genealogy to the original Israelites of the Bible ,or is yours the blood of the converts?
    The reason I ask is that I am related to Sammy Davis Jr. and wondering if I'm as Jewish as you? Stop laughing!!;), you'll put your eye out!!!


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    Without going into specifics, the topic was basicaly that Americans allow their government to trample their Rights and don't have near the cajones of our Founding Fathers .

    So what is the fear that is silencing you?


    Huh? Fear didn't silence me!! The moderator did that! LOL!! But only on that forum and actions speak louder.

    Do you, happythoughts.live in the USA?


  • Alot of people are down on GW lately and talkin' about how he isn't concerned with the death tolls in Iraq or from Katrina ,etc.

    I have some inside info to set the record straight.

    Just yesterday when Bush was told by an advisor that three Brazillians were killed in Katrina ,the President bowed his head and was visibly shaken!

    After a minute or two he looked up and asked the advisor, "How many are a Brazillion?"



  • [wow! well thanks for tellin me, I was wonderin if you forgot about me! see ya!


    Nope .didn't forget ya,just been busy!

    But hey Sinker, I've got a question for you.

    Lookin' at your avatar, are you the Pope or just a "good guy" in a yarmulka.


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    is it permisible to say what the topic was or am I just asking for trouble?


    Without going into specifics, the topic was basicaly that Americans allow their government to trample their Rights and don't have near the cajones of our Founding Fathers .

    I was banned for asking if someone was "waiting to grow a pair".

    That wouldn't be considered a personal attack in my community when I'm talking to the boys on the corner and jokin' and jivin', but this isn't my community.
    Obviously cultural differences abound the world over and what might be seen as an insult in one culture is common practice in another.
    Myself, I'll try harder to understand the social idiosyncrocies of DZ.Com and attempt my level best to be a good netizen and an asset to this community. As a matter of fact, I have an idea.
    At this point in time DZ.Com doesn't have a for Blacks only forumn even though they do have a Girls only forum. I wonder if it wouldn't benefit the community to have a Blacks only forum where Blacks skydivers could talk with other Blacks skydivers about Black issues in the language and manner that those of other races might not quite understand. I'll even offer to be the moderator if HH agrees.


  • Glad to see ya' here!:)

    Thanks Walt.
    You know occasionally a man has to chill.

    I wonder why they deleted the entire thread instead of locking . I must have rattled some cages!!! Also I'm not sure how long I'm banned.


    I think this banning has hurt my "self-esteem".


  • A link is nice so that we can confirm for ourselves that nothing was altered or omitted from the pasted story.

    As for making stuff up, we have to be careful when dealing with your posts,

    John, please do be careful!!!
    This stuff is serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And none of the above has anything to do with your skin color. I didn't even know you were black.

    What's that supposed to mean?
    You tryin' to say I type like a white man? Is that supposed to be some kinda compliment or sumpin'?

    Now for sure I ain't one of those dark skinned black*porch-monkeys* but rather a "high yella".
    I've posted my geaneology here in the past. Here is a refresher,
    My great,great grandmother,the cousin of Melenick II , King of Sheba(Ethiopia to you),was sent to London and then Germany to be educated around 1893.
    At about the time her studies were concluding ,political upheaval was taking place in her homeland and she opted to remain in Europe where she eventually married the brother of the archduke Ferdinand. Following the assasination the family was wisked to one of the more *posh* areas of Virginia where they were able to live in virtual anonymity ,total security, and in the splendor one would expect considering the combined fortunes of a *ruling elite * marriage. I also trace my bloodlines to Dolly Madison, George H. Bush, Marx(you bet your life a Jew in the family tree), Geronimoe,Curly and Larry.
    So now you know.

    Please don't insult me any further !

    I'm hoping,for your sake,John, the moderators don't catch wind of your personal attacks.


  • the Iraqi government sent direct orders to the police commanders to release the prisoners in the British custody and thats where things start to take a different path.

    The troopers are in the custody of the Iraqi govt. and if there are orders from above to the police to release them to coalition forces then the police action from this point onwards was against orders and illegal. This of course assumes the Govt. official who gave the order had the power under their constitution to do so. I think he was the equivalent of the Home Secretary so he ought to have had.

    It is unclear when the troopers were handed over to the illegal militia force (before or after govt. orders were received) but either way not retrieving them is defiance of the order and handing them over in the first place was clearly illegal.

    Does that mean British military actions to force the police hand were therefore legal? I don't know... but it certainly puts them in a much better light doesn't it. I presume there probably is the power to use force against illegal action by Iraqi rogue security forces which place British troops at risk... and if there isn't there ought to be.


    Actually the prisoners were in the custody of the Basra police for crimes commited in Basra.
    Now I admit I'm no scholar of the new Iraqi constitution.I haven't read it.(Didn't know they have one.) However I'd expect local crime is something that is handled on a local level.
    If that is the case then the orders of the interim Iraqi government (who by the way were elected under duress while the country was occupied) hold no weight.
    Incase the Iraqi Government does hold a legal power to force local government to their will, then Iraqi Government Forces should have been the ones to free the prisoners.
    For British military forces to enact a jail break of civilian prisoners in a *sovereign country* is certainly a crime and calls into question the premise of the occupation * to help build a sovereign Iraqi Nation".
    Further ,
    As the criminals in question were driving a car loaded with explosives and a remote control detonation device, and two other car bombs exploded in Basra on the same day as they were captured, one must ask themselves ;"are these two conspirators in league with the other bombers?"
    This is a question for the Iraqi courts to answer, not one for the British military.
    But certainly . thearmed removal of these two British terrorists by British military force seems to indicate that the British government supported their illegal activities.


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    So that article mentions Bush....where?

    You may not realize this but my sources tell me tha Bush is the President of the United States of America.(I can provide a link on request)
    In that capacity he is the head of the executive branch which includes FEMA.

    Perhaps they didn't mention that in the article.
    Sometimes you have to read in between the lines.


  • Quote

    In Texas..............evacuations proceeding relatively smoothly

    "relatively smoothly"???

    I've been hearing reports of massive traffic jams . One guy said he had only gone 75 miles in 24 hours. There are reports of many motorists running out of gas do to the extended idling!!!

    Relatively smoothly?

    If you say so.


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    Whether or not the SAS did anything wrong in the first place to warrant arrest is immiterial to what went on. Iraqi law requires coalition soliders to be handed over to coalition authorities if they are arrested.

    "Soldiers" wear uniforms.
    These two are obvious "enemy combatants" or common street thugs.
    The police were not required to extend to them any privelage granted Coalition Troops nor are these "combatants" protected under the Geneva Convention.


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    How about a link to the "story". :ph34r:


    C'mon .., I gave you a copy of the whole story .Why do ya' wanna link?
    You think I'm makin' this stuff up?

    You do ,don't cha??? Know one trusts the black man!!!

    LOL! OK .., here is your link
