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Posts posted by Andy9o8

  1. Quote

    Trumps position is that Iraq and Libya should reimburse the U.S. for liberating them. In fact he said that before assisting Libya, we should have signed an agreement with the rebels that they would give us 1/2 their oil in exchange for their freedom. He also thinks that iraq should give us 1/2 their oil in exchange for us staying and providing security.

    Thereby playing right into the hands of people all over the world who say the US is engaged in the Middle East to appropriate its oil.

    Oh, wait - Americans don't give a shit what anyone else thinks about them. Never mind.

  2. Quote

    You really don't see why we should maintain a presence in Iraq? Seriously??

    Nope. As in: Fuck no.

    The US went there because G. W. Bush was bamboozled into proving himself to his chicken-hawk staffers, showing-up his dad and assuaging his Oedipus complex.

    The result was endless blood, as well as the squandering of so much treasure that, yes, the US is still the only modern, industrialized country in the world without universal national health care coverage. In the meantime, the Halliburtons of the country get richer and fatter, while the ranks of the under-employed and uninsured.... well, that speaks for itself.

    It's a shame and a disgrace; but just like Saudis who see nothing wrong with beheading women for sorcery, many average Americans are simply oblivious to the shame and disgrace. And many of them post on blogs, repeat FoxNews sound bytes and loyally go to the polls on Election Day and vote for More Of The Same®. And so it goes.

  3. Quote

    Just remember why Canada's per capita contribution is higher than the USA's or most other nations. It's not because we have oil in the ground. It's because it's cold up here for more than half the year and people burn fossil fuels to keep from freezing to death. :o

    I'm, curious, but haven't looked this up: How does Canada's contribution compare to, say, Scandinavian countries which have roughly similar climates, economies and standards of living?

  4. Your poll is deficient because it lacks sufficient options.
    Now where did I put that bag of lime?


    Anyhow, you could do it Newt Gingrich's way - he had his wife served with divorce papers while she was in the hospital being treated for cancer. Not as bad as having a funny foreign name, but it's still pretty bad.

  5. Quote


    or something else...

    Why do you live in a Monarchy?

    What does that have to do with the OP, except in the deep, dark recesses of your mind?
    This is the second recent thread you've tried to hijack with your (in my opinion, valid) criticisms of public assets spent on monarchies. It's an interesting issue. But in this thread, it's still a hijack. Why not just start a thread of your own on the topic, and have at it?

  6. Anyhow, it's human nature for average people to feel be insular about their own country that they really don't know, much less give a shit, how what they do stacks up to the rest of the world. The world scorns Saudi Arabia executing women for sorcery? Saudis don't give a shit. The world scorns hundreds of Chinese executions a year? The Chinese could not possibly care less. The rest of the Western-style, industrialized world is utterly revolted by the United States' continued use of the death penalty? Americans wear it as a badge of honor.

  7. Quote



    Would the Children of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer be so rapidly promoted (in several services) if they weren't Royalty?

    Would Chelsea Clinton's first foray into broadcast journalism be on the the national stage were she not born to it?

    Apples and Oranges--Broadcast Journalism is run by PRIVATE Companies, who can hire anyone they want. The MOD, a Government Agency, is supposed to take the best and brightest, not someone's kid simply because they're someone's kid. Now if Chelsea Clinton was admitted to West Point simply because of her Dad, that'd be similar.

    What a silly response. Getting a leg up due to family connections is what it is, whether it's politics, journalism, the military or what-have-you. All different stanzas of the same tune: "The it sucks to be the little guy blues".

  8. Quote

    The United states of america is not a democracy!! Its a republic

    Sigh. Every time I use "democracy" as an abbreviated term of convenience (rather than the longer "democratic republic with a constitution") I get some twit who thinks he needs to define basic terms for me, notwithstanding my advanced degree in political science and government.


    if you don't like the constitution then you can leave.

    Aside from the fact that you're totally misunderstanding and twisting what I said, what part of " 'Love it or leave it' is a stupid slogan" do you not understand?

    Seriously, you're embarrassing yourself. Time to bring your game up. Start out with reading comprehension, then move outward from there.

  9. It's up to the couple themselves to decide what "exclusive" means for them. If they can agree with each other, great. If they each have different opinions, that's a problem right from the start.

    And yes, it certainly is possible for a couple to be "dating" and "exclusive" without sex, if that's what works for them. Anyone else's rules or definitions are irrelevant.

  10. Quote


    What's really interesting to me, and something that I would bet the "World Court" would turn over, is that the guy being imprisoned has been sentenced for something he did in another country, not the one imprisoning him.

    Really not that unusual. The US, among many other countries, have laws that criminalize conduct by their citizens in other countries.

    Even more than that, if one considers the growing use of the doctrine of Universal Jurisdiction.

  11. First: that is a seriously beautiful piece of work; my compliments.

    On to brass tacks: I've been a boyfriend, and then a husband, for an awfully long time. Trust me: you don't want to give her that and not something to put into it. You won't live it down. I mean ever.

    Re: what/how to do, see guidelines, in the posts above.

  12. Quote


    Edited to add: actually if you look hard enough the crease is still there.

    A bruise is just the cameraflyer's office logo. ;)

    Speaking of 'creases' being permanent: I had a horse go over on me, backwards, and indent my leg with the cantle of the saddle just above my knee. That was almost 30 years ago and the dent is still there. Didn't break the leg, but the bruise and muscle damage was there for months. Oh, and this happened just the day before my wedding . . . think someone was trying to tell me something! :)

    I got all you guys beat. I once cut the roof of my mouth with the end of a plastic straw. Boy, that hurt.