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Dropzone Reviews posted by ClayFowler

  1. In the immortal words of the Horse on Ren and Stimpy "No sir....Didnt llike it..."
    Bad things= Dangerous swooping of spectators...general unsafe attitude. Good luck finding an out unless you are WAAAYY out. Tax on lift prices??? Who are you kidding??? Landing area is the top of a hill. I never saw manifest go get anyone who landed out unless it was staff. Didnt see staff helping anyone that had a cutaway find their main or free bag. I never saw staff outside accounting for jumpers on the load. I felt like I could have burned in and no one would notice. Just didnt have a very friendly atmosphere. WTFO with the 27 listings on the internet under different names? Businesses with practices like this usually dont stay around long. You never know what plane will be there this week???? A bit of a walk to the plane.
    Good things= Nice AC packing area. I saw a lot of new Mirage rental rigs. Jumped one of their old Dolphin rigs when I was waiting for mine to come in...What a rag!!!! I think those have been retired though, hopefully.
    Spool riding events are a great spectator sport. Thats all I can think of. I would rather drive twice as far to go to Thamaston and I do every weekend.

  2. This is my home drop zone even though it is twice the drive as ASC. The people are friendly and always willing to help out a fellow jumper. They have professional coaching available for both RW and Free flying. The landing area is huge(and flat! unlike ASC) and there are plenty of outs. Manifest takes care of the jumpers and accounts for them on every jump. If you land off rest assured that someone will be there to pick you up(probably before you even land). The staff and jumpers here are very safety concious. I wouldnt jump here if they werent. They have a full time Super Otter and Wendel's Cessna. Nice shower facilities, restaurant, and plenty of space for camping. It has had a recent management change as Mike finally gave up the DZO game but I havent seen much of any change in the operation. It's a great place to Skydive! I only gave it a 9 because it doesnt have a bar like Raeford, NC. Let's change that....