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Posts posted by gmittar

  1. Quote

    Not completely true. He had a caller two weeks ago (actually I think the show was a rerun from a few months ago) where the womans husband had passed away leaving her with a mountain of debt.

    His solution was to go back to school and get a better job to pay off the debt - even if she had to get school loans to do it.


    Yeah, on very extreme or unique cases he'll go for school debt. But not often. I'm almost glad I didn't listen to him before I went to school, because I wouldn't have gone if I had been listening. And going to school was one of the best things I've done for myself, both personally and from a career perspective.

    Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

  2. I'm a big fan too. I've put step 2 on hold till I finish my migration to Denver, then gonna attack it. The small town radio station that had him here doesn't exist anymore, but who cares, I pay the $9 a month to get the commercial free versions.

    There are a few things I disagree with that he says, but none of them are financial. Usually they're religious perspectives that I don't buy into. But then I don't have to in order to benefit from his teaching.

    Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

  3. Quote


    I'm sorrry, I have to ask. What's wrong with splitting tens?

    Basically.. It is a Stupid move.
    you have a 20. The odds of improving that by splitting are horribly against you. Basically you have the second possible best hand in Black jack that will win the vast majority of the time.. And then you split this and ruin the sequence of the cards for the remaining players.
    No two ways about it. IT is a very Stupid thing to do and WILL cost you money in the long run.

    The only exception to this is if you are counting cards and are more than half way through a +10 or better shoe and the dealer has a 5 up. Then (and only then) is it sort of OK to split the tens.. And you will still probably loose money over time.

    The only thing more stupid than Splitting 10`s in a Casino is Bluffing into a Dry Side-pot while there is an All-in player in a Poker tournament.

    Makes sense. Thanks.

    Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

  4. Quote


    Everytime I have split tens I win both hands generally.... ya cant bust... :)

    I'm sorrry, I have to ask. What's wrong with splitting tens?

    Oh, and there's plenty of bad sex out there, both in the act and in the entire experience, which is really what anyone with their eyes open should be considering.

    There, now you can't hold it against me:D:D

    Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

  5. Quote

    So these are my thoughts on the whole deal…
    Show less skin than I do in a swim suit…possibly win 2 jump tickets (if cocheese isn’t bluffing)…hmmm, not so bad!B|
    HOWEVER, I wholly heed your advice. Plus, the chicken totally has me beat! Next!

    Wow, can't believe you took the picture down.

    Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

  6. Quote


    Wow, you guys are so tight. A good looking girl shows her stomach and a bunch of old people warn her that we're all dangerous slathering child molestors. Now wonder no one posts anything anymore.

    Let her go man, the PM sisterhood already got a hold of her after only three posts, she's with them now, but there will be others...Patience friend...patience.

    lol, it's not about her man, it's about you. Enjoy your uptightness, it wont last forever.

    Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

  7. Quote

    aye carumba!

    A word of advice young lady,since many of us gentlemen are old enough to be your fathers lawyer... Go easy on the display, for now.

    In any case, have you considered following the path of nudism?

    Wow, you guys are so tight. A good looking girl shows her stomach and a bunch of old people warn her that we're all dangerous slathering child molestors. Now wonder no one posts anything anymore.


    Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

  8. Quote


    Gay, lame, faggy, etc. All generic judgements that mean basically the same thing.

    I was hungry, which means I was cranky, and I like the fucking shoes, lol. Move along now...


    I'll do no such thing.

    Edit:: I am this close to calling in Sir Robin!

    Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

  9. Gay, lame, faggy, etc. All generic judgements that mean basically the same thing.

    I was hungry, which means I was cranky, and I like the fucking shoes, lol. Move along now...

    Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

  10. Quote

    Whatever dude. It is a freaking joke. I couldn't really care if he buys them or not. But I WOULD make fun of him. it is just what I do. But if he has confidence, that should not bother him one bit.

    Something tells me you need to relax. Why don't you buy some shoes? :ph34r:

    Think I might! Buy some shoes that is.

    Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

  11. Quote

    Go ahead and get them.

    Do your shoes stop Major League Baseball from stealing your thoughts? I think not. Plus chicks dig it.

    And besides, my foil hat is pasted into my picture, but you will have to wear those lame ass shoes in real life. It would be my DUTY to make fun of you for wearing them. To do any less would be a travesty against all things guy.


    I would totally wear those for beach, river, lake, water park wear. Regardless of which random guy said they look gay. It's fucking disgusting how many brilliant ideas have been completely doomed cause some idiot thinks they look gay. Not a judgement on you, but like the other thread says, "Stupid is as stupid does" You just did stupid... Next.

    Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

  12. Quote

    I will limit this solely to legal professions (meaning no jobs as a courier for drugs, etc) and to those that are non-prurient in nature:

    I've heard that you're pretty cute. One of the most lucrative things I've seen is the "beer babe" at a golf course. Those are the cute gals who drive the beer cart from hole to hole to sell to the golfers. They make good bank.

    You may also want to think about getting yourself a notary stamp. Think about charging $40 to notarize documents when necessary. Get yourself 3 documents in a day to notarize and that's $150 right there.

    I'm a notary, and I've never made much at it. I've never really marketed it, but most banks provide that service for free to their account holders, so it never made much sense to try to make money at it. I generally charge $10 per stamp when I charge.

    Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

  13. lol, what a bunch of slobbering idiots we are on this site. 7 pages of guys waiting for the one girl to post a boobie picture and Im dissapointed cause I missed it. How pathetic...

    There, I know the problem exists, is there a 12 step program or something I can go to now?

    Seriously, W.T.F. mate?