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Gear Reviews posted by kwmontreal

  1. Wow,.... after putting 25 jumps on my new slippery (curse &*%^@^*) canopy, I am more that impressed. No more cringing during deployment (Saber style), and a whole lot more smiling while in the air!! Lets start with the openings. I have yet to have anything but a nice moderate opening (600ft. snivel). I have even rushed a few times packing and semi trashed it while bagging, and it still treated me well. I have had a few turns on opening, but I think it has more to do with body position and flying through the opening, than anything I can attribute to the canopy itself. Even at 150sq/ft it is responsive to harness input (especially sensitive with the breaks still stowed).

    Riser pressure is light and builds to moderate during the dive. I like this because it lets you concentrate on the dive, rather that having to deal with the psychological distraction of heavier riser pressure build up. The tweaks of the Signature Series are most evident in the swoop. It just goes and goes, and, you can almost totally shut it down on landing with a really powerful bottom end flare. I am no swoop king by any means, and am some what conservative by most respects, but I am sure have more fun in the landing area!

  2. I bought one of these last year and loved it.(I stll love it). I had some problem with keeping the two rubber buttons in their holes. I finally lost on completely. I wrote a letter to the dealer where I bought it, (Skykat) and they in turn passed it on to L&B. The next day I got a really nice letter from Mads at L&B asking me to send the unit back. O GOD .... I won't see it for months or years!! I had my Pro Track back in less than 4 weeks!!!(with extra batteries!!) By the way .. L&B now have lower profile buttons, which do not protrude like the originals. I guess I was not alone with this problem. Overall an excellent product and usefull in many ways. OUTSTANDING after sales support from L&B. ****************************************************************************************

    Update Aug 09, 2004

    I lost the little springs while replaceing the batteries. I wrote Mads and not more than a week later (Denmark - canada) I had 2 complete new covers (cover/springs/screws) and 2 new sets of batteries!!! NEVER >>>>> NEVER >>>>> NEVER ..... have I seen (or heard of) this level of service and care!!!!!!

    BUY ONE AND BE HAPPY!!! ;-))

    Thanks again L&B

  3. I like the whole liveliness of the DaKine line. It lives and breaths in comparison to other manufactures. No loose threads, unfinished seams, or anything else I could find. I went over it 3 times inside and out. Not a missed stitch. When I decided I wantedanother DaKine product (I have a freefly suit that has stood the test of time), I emailed Chuck and gave him a general idea of color and pattern and then he took it two steps further!! Wow these pants are just ......SEXY!!

    I really wanted to give them a 4/5 for a rating, only because I had to wait 10 days longer than I should have .... but.... (it is said that patience is a virtue ... I'm learning!). They are just so damm nice I couldn't give them anything less than a 5!!

    Contrary to some other reviews, I had fun dealing with Chuck. No BS and a great sense of humor. My advise ...... if you want a really nice well made pair of freefly pants, order from DaKine and be patient ...... its well worth the wait!!