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Everything posted by DaveSangor

  1. Thanks for all the help.... so it really depends on the weather, not the season? Also, how often are jumps made?
  2. hello again, im still working on my research paper and ran across another problem. Is there a preferred season to go skydiving? or any time of the year that skydiving is not suggested??
  3. hey all, anyone have any info on hy skydivers yell geronimo, other than that story...ive found the story before..but id like to know if theres any other reasons....
  4. thanks for the help...anything else? i also found tha story already alog with another one.
  5. hey, im a newbie here...im doing a research paper on skydiving and the origin of the use of the word geronimo, if anyone can help please let me know.