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Posts posted by djd

  1. I have heard there are plans for 2 tunnels in Aus....

    was second hand information but the source is normally reliable, as far as i am aware they are still in the talking stage so you will probably get you'r tunnels in March ......... 2017...

    which is a shame.... as the more the better in my books.. more places to go visit...

    Not meaning to rub it in but i have to go as we are just switching our Hue G Big Tunnel on and i need to go Free Fly..

    Let it be windy......


  2. HAHA thats a good one im likeing the idea....

    something tells me they wont come flocking to yr call but nice

    This could run a bit though see if it can change into a tunnel dating site... something tells me NOT though...


  3. Quote

    So, what IS the right kind of applicant for the job?

    Female, Athletic, Sexy,Stunning, Single, Female .. did i mention that one already lol... Guess i wont be doing the recruiting haha...

  4. Haha Jewels i just looked at yr profile... i see it says attorney ... do you practice employment law at all.... lol...

    to be honest if you put stig of the dump in the tunnel enough he would soon be flying his pants off...

    I would add though, A tunnel instructors job at Bedford is different to one at a skyventure tunnel. I know and speak to a lot of staff from other tunnels and also know they would agree with me, its hard to explain in a forum just how different the jobs are.

    In short at Bedford as in skyventure it doesnt really matter how talented someone is at flying or coaching because thats something we teach and they can learn, and lets be honest thats why we all do the job, fly fly fly..... well it certainly isnt the money LOL...


    ps: I personally think its just a way for Bryony to get a load of pictures of guys...hahaha...

  5. Hiya Christian.

    Have a look at Vertical suits

    They are a Canadian company, I work at Bodyflight in England, one of our guys just brought a suit from them, i now know 3 more staff that are going to get them, which is proof enough lol getting tunnel instructors to spend money on a suit is near on impossible

    Very well made with lots of options, with the exchange rate as good as it is they are extreamly good value.

    If you want to get in on our order contact me and you can get in on our discount too...


  6. I went there in November 06 and had the biggest laugh i have ever had in any wind tunnel.....i mean it my cheeks hurt i was laughing so much... you gota be real good to fly well in these tunnels...


  7. manliusguy. If you had a bad experiance there i am genuinely sorry for you.. you cant please all the people all the time.. and sometimes things all come to a point where people bang heads and nothing is going to help.... however if maybe you had contacted niagara privately you could of sorted out yr grieviences and at least not been out of pocket.

    I also think that if somebody is going to bad mouth any company.... wether that company deserves it or not they should put a name and fill in there profile so we know whos saying it....

    bit like skydiving m8 if its not on video it didnt happen..

    blue skies to you all...and if its windy on the inside all the better for it.. ;)


  8. This post is very typical, you look like you have rolled up yr shirt sleeves and have come looking for an argument...

    you have just registered as a new user and its yr first post asking for a lot of answers to questions that can potentially harm a business if not ans very carefully and correctly..... you could of asked them if they would like to have been loobed up first before you tried to mount them.. or indeed just sent a Pm to Niagra instead....

    I do hope they dont feel they have to reply to justify yr post.

    People our little Tunnel world is small enough lets not try and make it smaller.....


  9. Quote

    I was PI**ED when I lost out on 4 minutes tunnel time at Bodyflight due to their manifest computer keeping crashing.... :|

    When you say Bodyflight can you clarify where exactly as that tends to be a little vague seeing there is more than 1 tunnel with that name.

    I do hope it was not us.... I know that myself and all the other managers that work here would compensate more than enough if its something "we cock up" so to speak,

    As for Niagara i can't comment as i have never been there, but there are two sides to every story as someone has already mentioned and i wouldn't let some body telling or asking me not to go stop me, I would still go there and fly and would go on how I am treated as a customer.

    Let the wind come.....

  10. Hiya Chris.

    I see yr home DZ is Headcorn, Have a chat with Chris Shaw he often runs camps and one on one coaching at Bedford, or Chris Lynch if you are thinking freeflying.

    You can tell them i put you on to them they know me from Headcorn before i started work at Bedford.

    Failing that get some time booked drop me a line and i will give you a coached session.

    How is the new Caravan down there... i bet everyone is glad to be out of that islander ..... lol..

    Dave D

  11. Quote

    I believe the Guiness record stipulates no contact with the walls, net, ot "top", otherwise I've got that record beat.


    I think a lot of people do.......


    If its not in front of 2 Guiness Judges it didnt happen ;)

    Hey Jennifer, so who was it that stopped first...... im betting Justin was spinning all over and tired himself out

    was great fun flying with you guys will catch up at another tunnel soon.... May make it a flyaway tunnel so we can all crash around the mats....


  12. So ok thats me done and back home to ole Blighty....

    I only managed 4 tunnels, finished up flying with Team future in hollywood on a Friday night so that was a cool thing to end on, the kids are great fun to fly with and are just like two little bees whizzing about all over the place, I have no fear that there Team Name is SPOT on and i know i will get to see and fly with you 2 again....:) Good luck for the record in Hollywood which is today i think or may have been yesterday......

    So Arizona was my next stop after California....

    I have to give big Thanks to All the guys there this tunnel Rocks.....big time...
    I would have to say i left Arizona feeling all warm and fuzzy....hows that Ray .... which is pretty unusual for someone who normally leaves just feeling nakered...

    Big thanks to Shane, Ray, Jason, and all the staff there, made me feel very welcome.

    Shane you are the man, for putting me up 4 my stay, the videos you are producing are awsome and the trip back into history was a riot....
    Some people have no idea how long this sport has been around and its origins and the fact its not allways been about the fastest wind.....;)
    You are welcome at mine anytime yr over the pond.

    Ray you are just nuts mate.... some badass flying and a great attitude to boot, i have just been back in Bedford for our first staff night trying to do some of the tricks i saw out there...A huge thanks for getting the spark back into my tunnel flying and now im feeling refreshed and eager to learn more and more. Same deal for you as Shane but leave the 8 kids at

    Oh yeah the monkey thing.. He got to fly in 3 of the tunnels... Learned how to solo Backfly in Arizona (i have pics to prove it.)
    and ended with a boys night out in Tijuana (i have pics to prove that too....;)
    I will make a video and slide thingy post it on you tube and put the link on here..

    Which just leaves me to say.... What a great trip, I only wish i could have got to more tunnels, next time i am definitely visiting more including some outdoor and flyaway tunnels too.

    As I and others have said before our tunneling community is pretty small so to get around and meet some of it was great fun, there is some really cool flying and some great people all over and if i havent met you yet i hope i get to soon...


  13. Ok so 3 tunnels down Paraclete, Hollywood and Perris.... Arizona on tuesday...I am now wondering why i haven't had a vacation like this before....

    some pics on my Facebook page if anyone is interested... more to follow from the other tunnels i'm sure...

    or search for dave danskin..

    Thanks to Trevor, Josh, Drew and Rock at Hollywood... will be seeing you guys again on friday night with a big group from Perris and anyone else we can drag

    ill bring the corona... somebody else can drive...

  14. A big big thank you to all at Paraclete, beer is in the fridge.

    ok so i drank most of it!!! as you all knocked off work but there will be more beer in the morning...

    thanks to:

    and anyone who i havent named that flew with me......:)

    Your tunnel rocks.... cant get enough of that dive from the top soooo cool....

    gutted i missed Orlando but new found rich family member in Charlotte i havent seen in 5 years was not to be year 4 sure...

    so from the 2 largest to one of the smallest...... Hollywood is next then Perris and onto Arizona... If i get time i will make San Francisco too.

    If all goes well i be thinking i am doing this next year too...our little tunnel community is just that...!! so its great to get around and meet people that matter and the ones that are pushing this sport forward....

    Dave..... and the Monkey....

    will have to work out how to upload pics on

  15. Ok they say you should always save the best till last.....

    me now thinks i may be doing this seems like a good enough reason to be coming back again..

    1 tunnel down 5 to go B|

    Thanks Punisher and Selwyn Paraclete Rocks....:)


  16. yes i believe thats what he said, they had been wieghing up the pro's and con's of a sky venture tunnel verses a body flight type tunnel,

    Koh Lam Hui Lawrence (thats his name) said on a cost effective and efficiancy based plan a sky venture tunnel would prove to be best.

    The address on his business card is...

    Sky Venture VWT Singapore private ltd
    Building 140
    East Camp Seletar Airport
    Singapore 798379

    thats all i know guys.


  17. ok i am going to be at Paraclete from the 1st of may till the 6th

    then California from the 6th till the 19th.

    I am hoping to fly at Paraclete, Orlando, hollywood, San francisco, Perris, and Eloy.
    also planning some jumps inbetween, Deland, Sebastian, Z Hills. then Lodi, Elsinore, Perris and Eloy and probably others if i can... nothing is set in stone as to a plan so can mix n match whatever suits...

    anybody fancy a road trip on the east or west coast to visit some tunnels let me know,

    i am trying to get around milton keynes and the open air tunnel at headcorn too plus obviously my home and work tunnel bodyflight in Bedford this would make it 9 tunnels in 3 weeks ish give or take..

    i already have 1 travel partner but hes our little stuffed Monkey mascot who is joining me for photo shoots at the various tunnels. He doesnt drink beer and is a little boring to be honest.

    anyways if you are a regular at any of these tunnels dont be a stranger come and say hi.
