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Posts posted by Hipwrddude

  1. When I started jumping in '94 and switched from Chambersburg, PA., to Skydive Crosskeys in Williamstown, NJ., when John Eddowes and partner(s) started it, this gnarly skinny older fella -- Fang, would be prowling around making funny remarks. The classic line for a new jumper, packing his parachute for the first 30 times was, "It'll never work, it'll never work ... " We hardly exchanged a word but when we did it just felt like I'd known him for awhile and he was the friendliest, down-to-earth, playful fun fella you'd ever meet. Some people are like leaves on a tree, while others are never forgotten. I hope his street sign is still standing at Crosskeys.

  2. I thought Overeem would take Brock as, by comparison, Overeem is like a mechanic to the MMA fight game, with a war chest bigger than a Snap-On truck, while Brock just has a phillips head screwdriver.
    Dos Santos will not be a walkover by any means. In fact, I think Dos Santos could ruin Overeem's day.
    Go Hendricks, Go Diaz. UFC 142 - Go Vitor!

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  3. Interesting predicament. One approach would be to try and understand your son's mindset or thinking before he opened the presents and then how he felt afterwards. So, I would suggest, naturally, as may already have happened, ask him. But when you ask him, tell him he won't get punished for it and that you love him and care about him and everyone makes a mistake from time to time. Hell, at his age, I lit our friggin' house on fire. Okay, no one got hurt. Anyway, my life turned out normal, except for this one hobby. Then ask him what he thinks Mommy and Daddy should do to him for breaking the Christmas "rule." If he understands it, give him a big hug and tell him you love him. If he doesn't, then explain the reasons to him. Lastly, he might want to get some insights on the politics of his action. In other words, he doesn't need to tell his friends or family. Doing so will bring negative responses. The most important thing is to have a great dialogue that allows him to release his guilt (assuming it's present) so he isn't tormented by it. Then, if possible, get him 3 gifts for Christmas so he has something to be surprised by.

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  4. Yes, it's true. America is eating itself alive with greed. True, war is a contract business, but when we don't vet our sources, when we don't put Americans first, American jobs first, our future first, we stick it to ourselves. The problem isn't China. It's us.


    You're always the starter in your own life!

  5. Everyone I meet who asks me about children and being a parent, I tell them this. Make a fist. That's your heart, right? Do you know how big your heat gets when the loving eyes of a child, your child, look your way? When they hug you in the way only your child can. When they say funny things, laugh, smile and explore. And that little person has a piece of you in them. And they have something in you -- a heart larger than the sun that sends all your love in their direction. My life would have a different meaning without Lauren. True, there are some people who aren't meant to have children.
    You're an artist. One in touch with the visual, the sensual, the feeling, the exploration of self and experience. Why rush. Wait. That decision can be made later. We evolve. Who we are now is not who we are later in life. Tastes change. Feelings change. Life is change. I would say keep yourself intact. Whole. Complete. True, only 15% of couples experience true love. To most, a child is one of the biggest parts of that happiness. Think about it.

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  6. Here's a quick run down of findings in several studies on sleep. One, conducted with the US Army, was particularly revealing.

    Shift work can wreck sleep and sleep patterns in many ways. First, keep well hydrated. That may sound funny, but if you're not urinating regularly and your urine is dark, drink water. You don't want sleep interrupted by a tinkle. If you start to feel run down, that's often one of the main reasons. Lack of hydration is a blood thickening, energy depriving, mental acuity stealing condition. Serious shit, seriously active prevention is necessary.
    Blacken your sleeping quarters. Period. Light filtering into the room can bring one out of REM sleep--the deepest, most replenishing sleep your body gets. We dip into REM a few times a night -- make it count.
    Do not work out before sleep. Vigorous exercise triggers the 'fight or flight' recticular activating mechanism in the brain, and it will phuck your sleep up. Work out at the start or early in your day.
    Quiet your sleeping quarters--if at all possible, wear ear plugs--have someone wake you up. While one sleeps, part of the brain stays awake. Sleep is a descent and ascent through stages, sound and light can keep someone in a light sleep reducing their ability to 'recharge' their batteries.
    Sleep regulates hormones ghelin, leptin and several others. Insufficient sleep depletes serotonin which increases sensitivity to stress, emotions and affect confidence. Sleep deprivation has been equated to impairness caused by alcohol -- both physical coordination and cognition.
    Stay on schedule! Ask your doctor about laurazepam or some other tranquilizer/sleep aid. Use extremely sparingly as you don't want to take drugs for anything if possible. Unfortunately, shift work can wreck you, and once in a while you need help. If one can't calm their mind, restful sleep doesn't come.
    Diet--reduce caffeine, no more caffeine of any kind after wake up. No tea, no stimulants of any kind, no energy drinks, no alcohol. Alcohol is a known REM sleep pattern inhibitor--a night drinking means a night of unrestful sleep. Take a great vitamin/mineral supplement in the AM, consider melatonin 45 mins. before bed (3 mg to start) as well as Sleepytime or Sleepytime extra tea (theanine) and relaxing herbal teas like chamomile. One must learn to wind down when the sun comes up.
    For accumulated sleep deprivation, one needs 18 restful sleeps to fully recuperate and put hormones back in balance. If dragging, nap! Naps work.
    In the end, you have to sleep and one must be disciplined about doing things to get a good sleep. If one doesn't maintain that discipline, they sentence themselves to suffer the run down, irritable, unclear mind, endless march, sit still and head drops world known unto the sleep deprived.
    Rock on Dog, make every day count!

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  7. Go with how you feel. Make it nice and clean and don't wait or drag it out. Usually, it's more then the kid thing, it's a lot of things and sometimes they all can't be articulated but it just doesn't feel right so don't get stuck in it. As funny as it sounds, breaking up may be hard to do, but it's also liberating. What you feel at your core is usually dead on. Cheerio.

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  8. Now that's funny. It's akin to the idea that if you're walking the wrong way and realize it, you must stop and pretend something's happened in order to turn around and go back (i.e. check your watch, cell phone, etc.) It would look all to odd to do an about face while walking forward.

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  9. That's some wild crackpipe story if I ever heard one. Hopefully DeCaprio didn't tell it because anyone with experience knows it's b.s. My bet is a publicist released it to see the reaction and add to the aura of Leo.

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  10. Claire Forlani wants me, she just doesn't know it yet. When she does come to that realization, life will be a living hell of desire and longing.

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  11. Me and Superman had a fight,
    I kicked his ass with Kryptonite,
    Then I went and ate his brain,
    Next I jumped on Lois Lane

    Lois, Lois, Lois Lane,
    Said until me had never came

    Down came Batman from the sky
    So I punched that fatman in the eye
    Robin took a fighting stance,
    He hit the floor on Batman’s pants

    Batgirl came and off we went
    When she exhaled I was spent

    Down in the alley dropped Spiderman
    Shot his web like a spider can
    What’s he thinkin', he knows me?
    Now he’s got no memory

    Batgirl came to see what’s up
    She got some lovin that never gave up

    Hulk was bad but not no more,
    He tried to hit me while I snored
    I kicked him in his rock like head
    His last punch missed but he was dead

    Betty came running and figured out
    After sex with me threw her sex toys out

    Five Superhero's beaten down
    More to fall when word gets round
    Let’s cut the chase and stop the rappin,
    Keep your girls happy and this wouldn’t happen.

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  12. To date, there hasn't been a single documented case of a psychic finding a child or solving a murder. They have created reasonable hunches that lead to nowhere, but never has a psychic produced information directly or indirectly solving a kidnapping or murder. When it comes to those crimes, why leave a stone unturned?

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  13. Thanks for the video. Gerald Posner's book, "Case Closed," blows the doors off the conspiracy rants. Failure Analysis Associates created a model reproduction like the one in the video and proved conclusively the bullet trajectories. The FBI, in '68, determined through a "Neutron Activation Test" that the bullet recovered was the one that deposited fragments in both victims (Kennedy and Connolly.) The pristine bullet (which was used in that previous test which was recovered from Connolly's gurney) was proven factual because it did not strike bone and therefore was not deformed. Good stuff. Thanks.

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  14. Consider getting Final Draft screenwriting software.
    I recommend getting grounded in the craft. One of my favorites is Irwin Blacker's "The Elements of Screenwriting."
    Syd Field's "Screenplay" is also solid.
    One of the challenges of doing a script on skydiving is that it's an intrinsically dramatic experience but, unfortunately, difficult to sustain/convey on the big screen to non-skydivers. That's not saying it can't be done with a degree of creativity, a great conflict and interesting characters, but a challenge nonetheless. Do you have a basic plotline to expound upon or is that your hook that you don't want to expose?

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  15. You're in a very difficult situation with your brother. You want your brother to taste the spice of life, to feel the pleasure of a woman, to come out of his shell and experience the world. I have bad news for you. From all that I gather, you're up against a brick wall. For starters, he has no desire. Secondly, he's socially inept. Not that he can't learn to be, but his low self-confidence and sensitive nature make him exceedingly vulnerable to any kind of denial. He chooses to exist in a controlled environment that provides the security of knowing he doesn't have to go out into the world. I can go on, but it's of no use. My suggestion is that you spend some time vetting good psychologists. Find one that truly achieves breakthroughs with his type. Forget the chicks, take him to this counseling. All external breakthroughs start with internal ones. For you and I, we just go out and do it. For him, moving in that direction is a struggle. Let me tell you bro, the earlier you bring that intervention the better. If it goes on too long, it will be too late. And he will never rise anywhere near his potential. He wants it too, but to him, his personal insecurities make it insurmountable. It's deep, takes time, but is well worth the effort. Good luck!

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  16. Under tools in Google Earth there is a Flight Simulator of either a jet or prop plane that you can fly around the map in. The prop is great because you can take in views while flying slow. While perspective at heights is probably not quite right, the views are way cool. I have a 24" computer monitor and what makes this experience great is this: I can see what a pilot sees flying the same flight path.
    A little rum, burgers and salvia (trippy stuff) while flying on the pooter around the crib and you can look out yer winnder and see yerself lookin' at yerself! Happy 4th!

    En garde you post whore pirates! Aaargh! I know it's gotten one little post before, but back off with yee saber key, mine's got some meat and rum!

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  17. The reason I have so much faith in Machida is his pedigree. Undefeated in 12 fights, he destroyed Rich Franklin (KO 2nd round) Stephan Bonnar (1st round/cut) and has never been made to look bad. My nickname for him is "Mr. Perfect." As styles go, he's a very defensive fighter. When he faced Sokodjou in UFC 79 (arm triangle choke 2nd rd.) he completely thwarted a seasoned Judo champions' advances (Sokodou US 2000 Open Winner.) When Tito goes to close he's going to get popped and kicked. Machida keeps his range and doesn't allow his opponents to crowd him -- Tito's strategy to ground-n-pound. Also, he's a "heads up" fighter, who doesn't blink, even during intense exchanges. In short, when the gap closes Machida stays on top -- how else would he defeat Michael the "Black Sniper" MacDonald, one of the premier kickboxers in K1?
    To answer another post, in regards to BJ Penn and Sherk, Penn brings the "intangibles" to this fight with Sherk. Sherk is a one dimensional ground-n-pound. Penn is an excellent striker, quick submissions expert and, in the first round of the fight - look out! I think he's going bring some surprises for Sherk. Sherk's only road to victory is to keep Penn down and spank him. Penn brings a smorgasboard of whoopass to the Octagon.
    I guess we'll have to wait til May 24th when the ref says, "Fight!"

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  18. BJPenn is going to walk through Sherk worse then Matt Hughes ran through him. Machida is going to own Tito so quick and thorough, there will be no question that Machida and Alves must meet. Silva will punish Jardine. I've got bets on them.

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  19. The study never showed that sex was best because it lasted only between 3 - 13 minutes. The study simply reflected the duration of the average event. What it really be throwin down is that Homeboy ain't able to hang with the Home girly. There are other studies that show when couples first hook up they're bustin' bedframes, creating racket and otherwise freakin marathon style.
    But hey, for the other guy, the guy who doesn't have a girl, you need some Herbal Essence for Men:

    You're always the starter in your own life!

  20. On UFC 79 Results:
    I completely underestimated Clementi. He's the man. I thought Sokoudjou would be outclassed by "Mr. Perfect" Machida (that's not actually his nickname, but he rarely makes a mistake) and Sokoudjou was. Liddell kept Wanderlei at bay, something I thought would happen by way of their fighting styles. St. Pierre is, well, St. Pierre. I don't think Matt Serra will weather the storm St. Pierre brings in their second go around. Great night of fights.

    You're always the starter in your own life!