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Dropzone Reviews posted by ncfitzge

  1. I am an American traveling around Europe trying different dropzones. I have never ran into as many problem as I did here. As I like trying different types of rigs, I like to rent the local rigs. I asked them for there 190 Spectre, they tell me its in a black container somewhere around the dropzone. They wouldn't even help me find it. After bugging them some more, they were able to find it. I was able to get in the air quick. When I got down, I ask them where to put the pack to haved the re-pack it (they do not let others pack their rigs). I informed the packer where I placed it and he bit my head off and told me he is really busy and he will get it when he gets to it. Two in a half hours later, I go and see if it is packed. Still sitting in the same spot. They then told me to sit by the parachute and ask him when he goes to grab the next one. Amazingly he ignores me and grabs a parachute from someone that just walked in from a jump. After 4 hours of waiting. I went into the off and complained for about 20min got my 60 bucks back. Also they don't like students that are not from their dropzone.

  2. I went to SkyDive Utah to attend the AFF course. Everyone there is extremely nice and helpful. Due to military obligations, I was under a time restriction. They went out of there way to help me get out of student status and as much of my “A” License as possible. Jack, Debbie, Sam and Joe are all excellent at AFF instructors. They have also just received a new King Air, which makes the ride up to altitude very quickly. They have great weather during the spring and summer months, and a huge landing area. This is an excellent place to learn how to skydive and have fun.