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Posts posted by Hambone

  1. Quote


    Call it an advisory list, let people know they are on it and why. This will create not only a learning moment but also a wake up call. In my opinion.

    OK...we'll go that route.
    I've read many of your posts on DZ.com, most of them are frivolous, off the mark, and silly; clearly you're incapable of focus and attention to the details related to skydiving.

    If this is the case then you will also no doubt noticed that this is the first time I have posted outside a condolence in 3 or so years. Not sure what this has to do with anything...

    You've made technical blunders as well, and as a result, you're on "the advisory list" because I, the guy that has 1000 X more skydives than you, has determined that you're not a safe guy.
    It's a fine line between reality and perception and may be my personal bias, but then again...that's what discrimination is, isn't it? If I put you on "the list," what recourse do you have?
    It's not about litigation. It's about branding people with a huge potential to be terribly unfair. If something is seriously wrong, then there is USPA and a 1.6 in the Governance manual (if the USPA had reason to use it)

    Big difference between local DZO grounding someone or banning them, and a "list" where people are branded.

    As far as "the problem," I don't think there is an "answer." No matter what obstacles and processes are placed, people will contrive ways around them. The "system" isn't really so broken that we see these kinds of stupid incidents occurring all the time.

    Pretty sad that you throw up your hands and say there is no answer instead of hearing people out in a civil manner and not personally attacking them. Highly unproductive.

    I addressed recourse in one of my previous posts. Check it out. Suggest a solution. Don't tell me what we can't do, tell me what we can, or may be able to.
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • Quote


    DZO’s are running a private business and as such they have the right to refuse service to anyone. There is no need for attorneys to be involved. If in the DZO’s opinion the guy is a problem he has the right to ground him or throw him off the DZ.


    True...but look how far that got Denny's with the African Americans (still the largest discrimination lawsuit to date, I believe) and other private businesses that have been sued for mega bux. The spectre alone would nail DZO's to the wall.

    From a different side...maybe a DZO doesn't like what someone posts on DZ.com, so they take it out on them via this "list."

    I agree there is a problem, and in today's world it's a silly one with seemingly simple solutions. But branding folks with a scarlet letter doesn't seem to be the answer.

    Ok this is a little off base. This has nothing to do with being discriminatory and in my opinion bringing something like that totally clouds the conversation. Furthermore, let's talk about a solution not what litigation may occur. As we all know in our litigious society that is a constant concern but I don't think that in a conversation about life and death it has a place.

    Call it an advisory list, let people know they are on it and why. This will create not only a learning moment but also a wake up call. In my opinion.
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • Quote


    With computers and USPA backing, can't we centralise records of who did how many jumps and where? I'm assuming all jumpers are USPA members.

    Also, a DZ could black-mark a dubious jumper so all DZs can quickly check and accept or reject a jumper's business.

    What you're suggesting is to maintain an electronic blacklist for all skydivers that have been judged to be "unsafe" by some standard. Ultimately, that's the only way DZO enforcement would have any teeth since without it, the problem jumper can simply go DZ shopping (as was the case in this incident).

    Of course, implementation of that kind of policy opens up a whole set of other questions. Who puts the names on the list? What is the criteria? What's the policy for getting your name removed from the list?

    Are we as a community really okay with that kind of measure?

    This is the "solution" that seems to make the most sense to me. Certainly it is not perfect, and your points are very well take with regard to being put on the list or taken off the list. It would see that the solution would be to not call it a "black list" but a warning list.

    Basically the entry would say "xxx Jumper came to my dropzone with x canopy s/he is unsafe for x reasons, Date, time, location." Clearly the person would have to be told that they were on the list. Maybe the solution is that they never come off the list but instead their entries are updated and moved to a different section that would state that they have started making better decisions, gotten the necessary training, become more careful etc.

    This would seem to be the most prudent course of action. If you make it searchable by names, checking this list becomes part of checking in unfamiliar jumpers to your DZ. May take an additional 5 min. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • Haven't jumped in a while admittedly. However, I recall on particular larger RW formation, I was toward the front of the plan the first of the second group the base went out and the plane bucked and i found myself airborne in the plane headed jaw first for the door frame. I slammed into it chipping the paint on the jaw of my Oxygn, and was able to roll out and still make it to the formation. If I hadn't been wearing a helmet I would likely have been headed to the hospital to get my broken jaw wired shut. Pay the money, Buy the helmet. Some day down the road it is likely to save your ass.
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • Reid, was a great guy. For those of you who didn't get to know him I am sorry. I was lucky enough to see him Friday where he was talking excitedly about doing his 300th jump. I congratulated him on that. I wish I had spent more time with him. He was a great friend and I will miss him.

    Blue Skies Olen Reid Ashe III Blue Skies.

    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • Quote


    I'm a woman, but here is my take on it:

    pantyhose - never sexy ICK!
    tights - can be cute and fashionble, but keep it out of the bedroom
    thigh highs and stockings - sexy, in and out of the bedroom
    smooth bare legs - always in

    YES! we have a winner!

    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • Screen on the Green, don't know if anyone is going, but if you are staying down town they will be showing ET in Centenial Park @ 9 or so, maybe it is 8...hell you have google...Outside of that I got nuthin...just another school night for me.... :-(
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • I have an HP Plasma and have had if for over a year, I have played a fair amount of Games on it, as well as watched alot of sports and news (both are very ticker heavy). My set came with a White Wash option, when you see burn in happening you White Wash the set and it will clear the screen. It will have an image that persists if the screen goes black, but that is the nature of Plasma, as it has done that since it was delivered. I couldn't be happier, it has a great picture, but if I were buying a TV for a part of my house that was going to have Sun shinning on it i probably would have gone LCD because of the limited reflectivity of the screen.

    Thats just my Two Cents.
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • Ok here is mine.

    Stand My Ground by Corey Smith

    Will You take me up to rose hill
    When you lay my body low
    wrap me in a flag and throw some flowers on the ground
    say a few words and then let me go,
    there's no need to defend my honor
    or justify the life i gave
    there's no need for the pictures of my happy childhood there please
    don't pour salt upon my grave
    i knew long ago that i would be the one
    to brandish my sword should they beat those battle drums, ohhh

    I stood my ground
    i stood for something,
    worth falling for

    Ask my father to forgive me, i know he didn't understand
    he worked to hard for way to many years to lose his boy in a foreign sand
    there is no doubt he is angry, theres no doubt where he'll place the blame
    but don't let him fall apart mama, don't let him go back to those pills
    only time will ease the pain, i died a patriot a soldier just like him
    fought like he taught me to until the very end, ohh

    i stood my ground
    i stood for something
    worth falling for yeah yeah
    worth falling for

    i hope this war is worth dying for
    i hope this war is worth dying for
    i hope this war is worth dying for

    Take my strips and take my medals
    take my cross and these dogtags too
    put em in a package stained with your tears
    send em up to pennsylvania ave
    my last regards to the man in charge
    let him know i served my country well
    yeah he was right behind me all the way to kandahar
    the night my broken body fell
    don't let a day go by without a peaceful prayer
    for my brothers and my sisters still fighting over there

    they stand their ground
    they stand for something
    worth falling for x2

    i hope this war is worth dying for
    i hope this war is worth dying for
    i hope this war is worth dying for
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • Ladies and Gents, I just wanted to say it was great to see all you folks at Steeplechase in Atlanta this weekend. I miss you folks and it was a wonderful surprise to see you all and a great treat to be able to share a beer or 30 with you.

    Thanks! I hope you all had a great time I will see you all again soon!

    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • Quote


    Rule #1 - No Redheads!!
    They are temperamental, moody and generally more trouble than they are worth.

    Them girls are nothing but trouble I tell you.

    I'll keep this in mind. So far I've stayed away from the redhead at the climbing gym, but that is only because I'm working up the courage and confidence ... :$

    PS: I'll second the motion that dirtyB is hot, hot, hot!

    I have to totally disagree with the notion that red heads are trouble, unless by trouble you mean worth any and all effort, if you get my meaning.:)
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • Quote


    Ok, So I haven't seen any of you in a while, BUT...In January I decided that enough is enough, I felt fat and out of shape and wanted to make a change. I looked around on the internet starting in December, and found Operation Bootcamp, honestly the best decision I ever made. I did it in January and March, took feb off so as not to get burned out. Anyway in 3 months I have lost about 30 pounds, taken about 4.5 inches off my waist and put on a bunch of muscle. It really is a lot about what you eat. If you work out and eat like shit, you aren't going to see very good results. The key is to keep that Metabolism kicked into high gear, and make your body work for you.

    It builds on it self, the more lean muscle you build, the more calories you burn.

    Simply did I miss anything?

    Awesome Hammy!!! Good for you. And I don't see that you really missed anything. Muscle good, fat bad. Stick with it, and soon enough you can just maintain with little effort.

    I was once told this and it makes the most sense ever. If you gain 2lbs a year for 10 years, which is a low estimate, in 10 years you will have 20 extra pounds. Now more typical is 5lbs a year, and that means you'll have 50lbs extra in 10 years. Maintenance is the key to stopping all this.
    That isn't directed at you hammy, it's just a blanket statement.

    It should be, but I think I have hit the point where I have to workout, and get jittery/ feel let down when i don't get to.
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • Ok, So I haven't seen any of you in a while, BUT...In January I decided that enough is enough, I felt fat and out of shape and wanted to make a change. I looked around on the internet starting in December, and found Operation Bootcamp, honestly the best decision I ever made. I did it in January and March, took feb off so as not to get burned out. Anyway in 3 months I have lost about 30 pounds, taken about 4.5 inches off my waist and put on a bunch of muscle. It really is a lot about what you eat. If you work out and eat like shit, you aren't going to see very good results. The key is to keep that Metabolism kicked into high gear, and make your body work for you.

    It builds on it self, the more lean muscle you build, the more calories you burn.

    Simply did I miss anything?
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • Sort of related.

    Men will lose weight faster than women, sorry ladies that's the breaks. I have read that if you are a woman and you are working out/dieting/whatever you want to call it, you should stay off the scale at least for the first 3 or 4 weeks you are working out. Instead of using a scale you should use a tight pair of jeans or an old bride's maid's dress. Guys you can do the same thing, remember those shorts that you used to fit in...well you will soon. Pictures are also good, I have a friend that puts on a bikini and takes a picture of herself then puts the picture on the fridge, so she is reminded every morning of her goal and where she is trying to get.

    The reason that the scale is bad is because you will gain muscle, and 5 pounds of muscle takes up about half the area of 5 pounds of fat. So you may way the same but you will shrink, which lets be honest thats what we are all really after anyway.

    That being said, I have been workingout 5 to 8 times a week since January and just at the end of March started stepping on the scale with any regularity.

    It is a personal decision but there is my $.05 worth.
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • Totally Unrelated but for the Male redheads out there, have you found a certain opposite effect? I think there is definately something to the hair effecting the personality...

    Wow thats a miserable post and i apologize.
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • My response is simply rodents...Your questionable house keeping habits have led to an infestation. My advice befriend the rodents, hope that they aren't spiteful, build them a small couch and let them watch TV with you. Just a thought, Who knows I could be totally off base.

    Yeah thats right...I didn't fall completely off the face of the planet. How you been buddy?
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

  • I think that the best kiss, is the one with a good amount of tongue and pressure, not tonsil hockey, but you know what I mean. Oh and I think it goes without saying that teeth to teeth contact is strictly prohibited, and one shouldn't worry about making a mess, with in reason.
    Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama