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Posts posted by jeb

  1. I 100% agree, I am a total douche bag :) I get paid to travel around the world turning my dreams into realities, what a dick. The footage I have seen of your flying is so much more impressive :) You are one hard core wing-suit skydiver with unsurpassed crazy skill ;) Just keep on showing us all how it's done. That's why you get paid the big bucks and do all the documentaries and movies and commercials :) Your gleaming positive personality and awesome skills. When ever I hear anyone talk about the best wing-suit pilots it's always Jokke, Julian, Robert and what was your name again? Was it skymonkeyone :) Keep on shining you crazy diamond you ;) Nothing but love from me to you my friend. I wish nothing but good things for you and your life and I hope all the work you ever wanted you get :) You deserve it, you are just that awesome... Over and out from super turd AKA cheese dick :)

  2. They seem to give pretty much the same data when looking at them on the ground. Same glides and speeds. The difference is while flying you can actually see your glide and speed real time and make adjustments in flight. As you go steeper you can actually use the speedometer to maximize your forward speed and you can see how that affects your glide. Very interesting, I learned more in 10 jumps with the goggles about my flying then I did in 100 jumps without them...

  3. OK, the time has come :) Those interested in getting the Recon Instruments HUD for wing-suit flying can now order them. But we need to get 250 orders within 30 days in order for recon to build them. We need to show them there is a big enough market to make it worth their while. Please order now so we can have this amazing technology develop...

    P.S. They work for tracking too :)

  4. The off the shelf recon HUD does not work with wing-suit flying. The hardware does not support the high speeds we obtain. Also the software shows 3D speed instead of ground speed and it does not have glide ratio. But the main difference is the ski goggles don't work and the flight goggles do for wing-suits...

  5. The goggles use to measure 3D speed and now they measure ground speed. The goggles also give you real time glide ratio. So as you fly you can see your forward speed next to your glide. Great tool to fine tune your performance. It shows the number of your glide like 2.3 or 1.8 and so on and also colors. When you are in the 1 to 1 it's red, 2 to 1 is yellow and anything over 3 to 1 is green. They have been developed but not manufactured. They are different from the ski goggles. Recon just wants to make sure there is a demand before they build them. I have 2 working sets right now.

  6. OK, the time has come :) Those interested in getting the Recon Instruments HUD for wing-suit flying can now order them. But we need to get 250 orders within 30 days in order for recon to build them. We need to show them there is a big enough market to make it worth their while. Please order now so we can have this amazing technology develop...

  7. You Asked for It (1950–1959), Airplane-to-Horseback Tackle
    Needham's first real TV stunt was also one of his best. The scene, on the show You Asked For It, called for a stuntman to sit precariously on the landing gear of a flying plane and tackle a man riding a horse at full gallop. Needham was tapped to be the jump man squatting below the Cessna 150. "The rate of speed that we closed on that horse was unbelievable. That plane was doing about 58 mph, maybe 16 to 18 feet in the air," he says. As the plane made its approach, the pilot was flying so low he had to "hang it on the prop," controlling the plane with engine speed and pointing the nose high in the air. The pilot couldn't see the horse below and Needham had to give him hand signals to help position the plane. "I had to jump 15 to 20 feet before I even got to him—and I had to catch him . . . and not the horse." Once lined up, Needham jumped from the plane and sailed through the air, tackling the rider. "My main concern was to get at least one hand on that guy, so that it would look like I was pulling him off that horse. But the main thing was, don't hit that horse. Because if I did, there could have been some kind of wreck."

  8. Doing things first is not always the most important thing :) If he succeeds it will only help me in what i am trying to do :) What he is doing and what I will be doing are two very different things :) My goal is not to land a wing-suit which is what a lot of people have miss understood. My goal is to land at terminal velocity :) It has always been to jump from a aircraft and land without using a parachute. The wing-suit has always been a very small part of a much bigger plan :) I want to land at 120mph or as close to it as possible :) So if he slows to 60 or 70 mph lands, it will be very impressive but not what I want to do :) Plus he still has to land without getting hurt :) So we will see :)

  9. It would be a landing 100% :) We talked about this option about 5 years ago, but the stunt team I was working with at the time deemed it unsafe and felt chances for success were far to small. We looked for better options and found them. Just much more costly. If he goes for it and succeeds it will be a great accomplishment :) I wish him luck and I can't wait to see the footage :)


  10. Chinese RedBull were the ones tracking the numbers :) They were hoping for maybe 100 million if they were lucky. When the numbers came back at over 500 million they were quite shocked. Non of us could have imagined it would go so huge :) An unknown athlete doing a relatively unknown sport :)

    CCTV airs in more places then just china by the way :) It covers most of Asia and you can even see it in the USA if you have satellite TV :) Plus it also aired live on BBC :) Along with 9 other networks :)

    I have zero idea how they track this stuff. I only repeat what I am told by the powers that be. It could have been 3 people for all I know :)

  11. We have everything in place except for financing. Financing plus risk seems to be the biggest hurdle for us. But I am sure we will figure out how to over come it very soon :) The chinese cave fly through was very helpful :) the landing won't happen soon but it will happen :) Just going to take time, but I am in no rush to be honest :)

    Anyone who thinks they can make it happen faster or better I say go for it :)


  12. Anyone can land and get broken :) The winner is the one that lands and doesn't get broken :) The goal is not to land, the goal is to land and then get up and do it again :) So even if a person lands and only femurs them self still not the landing I am trying to do :)

    The guy that went into the trees was in the hospital for quite some time so the injuries were not that minor :) Also the trees deployed his parachute and he actually landed under a parachute even though he was unconscious as it happened :)

    Just so you know, even if someone lands a snow slope uninjured it still will not change what i am doing :) My goal is not to land out in the middle of no where or even to be first. My goal is to land in the middle of a major city :) So if someone goes and lands a snow slope it will only help me in my cause :) So guys get going, I know one of you will go for it and pull it off one of these days :)

    I am pretty sure Dean is working on this and I have no doubt he will pull it off :) But again, my goals are a bit different :)


  13. This is kind of a fun thread :) Lou you are not making a very good comparison :) People in free fall as opposed to a cliff which has a fixed position are not even remotely similar in any way :)

    Probably a better comparison would be leaving a Sky Van at high speed and on exit popping up above the aircraft. How many people on this board have done this? I know I have. What about people leaving the plane and hitting the tail? Is this a phenomena you believe impossible? Wing-suits can and do go up with enough speed generated :)

    You guys are right, GPS data is not always accurate but when GPS data supports what video is showing then it's a bit easier to believe the numbers are reasonable.

    But don't worry your selves over it to much. There is more video coming :) Where this phenomena will be easier to see :) Just wait, things thought impossible seem to be happening everyday now in these new generation of wing-suits. If you had told me we would be doing the things we are doing now 10 years ago I would have said, "your on crack, that's impossible" and you know what's funny, i would have been very, very wrong :)


  14. Here is the flight:

    So where exactly did this dive happen that took my glide over 3 to 1? If your going to try and tare down a persons credibility, be right...

    Now this really is the last time I respond to you :)


    P.S. I am only not going to respond to you on line :) But if I see you in person feel free to come up to me and lets do a jump together :) I will gladly fly the water fall with you or any other exit point around the world.

  15. Dude,

    this will be the last time I respond to you, ever. But you are placing words on the page that I didn't write. In the posts I have placed on this thread i never claimed to not be diving before the good glide. I actually say I was diving into the crack at high speed then flaring out. I then just point out I hold a better then 3 to 1 till I open. What part of any of that is inaccurate? It's exactly what the GPS data says. Plus the data of my flight in google is from my flysight. I exported it to a klm file and opened it in google earth placing the little red line showing my exact flight path. Have a good one and you don't have to talk to me any more because I will not be talking back :)


  16. Last year I landed at the top landing area only twice out of 9 flights 7 of which were through the crack. This year so far I did 4 flights through the crack landing at the bottom landing area all 4 times and pulling super high over the middle of it. I was proximity flying the last little grass knoll as you exit the crack on the left side. I have no other way to judge the distance then using google earth and calculating my line through there. My flight is not a strait shot from the crack to landing zone. I do it in an arched turn :)

    I will be more then happy to fly with any of you who come over to europe. I will be here till Oct :) I am not in any competition with anyone. I am just flying and having fun. Playing with the GPS and looking at data trying to understand what it is saying :)

    When I say this suit is fast I am not comparing it to anyone else's flights but my own. Compared to the flights I was getting in my classic, skyflyers 1,2,3,4, Stealth, X wing, ghost, phantom 2, sugar glider, GSII and V1/V3 its faster for me. Not really to sure how it compares to what you guys are getting. But then again I am not competing with you guys :) I already know I am not the best nor am I the fastest. But I sure am having fun all the same...
