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Posts posted by sickandtwisted

  1. Quote

    Who's lucky enough to be attending the Expo this week? If you are going, find me and say hi. I love seeing dz.commers in person! :)
    Oh, and Normiss will be volunteering too, in case you like him better. You can just say hi to him instead. :P

    Are you the one that will be passing out the glitter? ;)
    Skymama stalker #69!!!!

  2. Quote

    It has been years since I've grilled with charcoal and I finally got a charcoal/propane combo grill!

    So, I have two questions.

    1. What is your favorite charcoal brand for everyday grilling?
    2. And, if you use a "high end" charcoal for special occasions/foods what brand is it?

    You can't go wrong with Kingsford or Royal Oaks
    Skymama stalker #69!!!!

  3. From the Halls of Montezuma
    To the Shores of Tripoli;
    We fight our country's battles
    In the air, on land and sea;
    First to fight for right and freedom
    And to keep our honor clean;
    We are proud to claim the title
    of United States Marine.
    Skymama stalker #69!!!!

  4. Quote


    The flip up visor has gotten better on the HJC

    If you like the fit & price of HJC try KBC or O'Neal 707

    The best time to buy a helmet is the winter time when few people are buying & the gear stores are trying to get rid of last years inventory.

    thanks - regarding waiting till winter my visor is knackered and pretty much unusable (I now ride with it permanently up so I can see where I am going). I can't really wait 4 or 5 months unless I special order a visor replacement (expensive due to the age of my helmet).

    I had a similar problem with a vent on my helmet. I talked to a friend of mine that is the manager for a local cycle gear store. She contacted the manufacturer & they sent me a replacement part for free.
    Skymama stalker #69!!!!

  5. The flip up visor has gotten better on the HJC

    If you like the fit & price of HJC try KBC or O'Neal 707

    The best time to buy a helmet is the winter time when few people are buying & the gear stores are trying to get rid of last years inventory.
    Skymama stalker #69!!!!