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Posts posted by PalleNygren

  1. Out of GoPro Black 8/9/10, which of would be preferred for handcam?

    Reason for question is that my GoPro 5's are due for replacement, and I would think that GoPro 10 with Hypersmooth 4.0 would be preferred, but I don't know about the wide factor for the cameras though..

  2. Well how bad is that tradeoff in FOV? I'm thinking that my GoPro4 Black is pretty much useless for handcam (nigh impossible to hold that thing steady) and a GoPro5 uses electronig stablization, which also means sacrificing FOV?

    Would a GoPro5 be better suited than the Sony X3000?

  3. Answering myself (only way to get a decent answer..):
    Changed the Video Renderer from WIndows Video 11 to Sony AVCMVC and Video Render Template to AVCHD 1920x1080-50i...

    Got the rendering time down to 24 minutes, I guess I need a better cpu to get it down further...

  4. I'm using a Sony HDR X3000, settings 1920x1080 50 fps. I'm trying to get Tandemvids to output the same settings, so I have created a Windows Media 11 template with the same resoulution and fps, but still looking at at least 40 minutes of rendering time on an Intel i7-40650U 1.7 GHz.

    Any ideas on how to speed this up?

  5. Looking for PC software to trim GoPro footage. The smaller and simpler the better.

    I used to use Mpeg Streamclip for doing quick and simple trimming of GoPro footage (trimming away stuff at the beginning and at the ned), but am looking for an alternative since Streamclip requires that bug ridden Quicktime.

    Suggestions anyone?

  6. Really keen on getting the above, mostly for its BOSS stabilizer. Thing is I want to have the equivalent of a CX-105 with a Hypeye. As I understand it there is no Hypeye for the PJ620, but is there any other solution (short of messing about with soldering and the likes)?


  7. For 1000:s of packs, I've always done the same thing, pulling the stow thru the cats eye on the main brake line and pulling the resulting excess BELOW the guide ring. The other day one guy at my DZ pulled the excess out ABOVE the guide ring, stating that it would eliminate some sort of potential malfunction scenario. None of us could explain the scenario or why this would be better.

    Anyone out there feeling smart enough to explain it to me?

    (I've checked the UPT dockumentation and nowhere can I find pictures showing the excess above the guide ring)

  8. Does anyone have a photo of what it looks like when the GPS and altimeter are shown at the same time?

    Or for that matter, if anyone has a better suggestion for a combined GPS/altimeter. I'm using my Suunto Vector for altimeter today and having a GPS in my pocket for the not-so-good weather conditions. Prefer not to have two separate units considering information overload when doing handcam tandems.


  9. Can anyone that has a Suunto Ambit respond:

    Is it possible to use the GPS and altimeter at the same time? My situation is that I would like to read the altitude and at the same time navigate towards a waypoint (or as Suunto calls it, a POI).

  10. Sorry, I wasn't clear on what I am after. I would like to completely replace Itunes, so all the software that just builds on top of I tunes (like MediaMonkey and Copy trans manager) are not an option. What I'm trying to find is a software that is not as bloated as Itunes but can still communicate with my Ipod touch so synchronize songs and playlists (again, without relying on Itunes).


  11. I've got an Ipod touch and I would like to know if there is a replacement for Itunes, for PC, that is as capable but minus all the bloatware. As an absolute minimum I need to be able to add/remove music and playlists. Sofar I've tried Copy trans manager which proved too unstable,


  12. Nope, didn't have any use for the Cameye, selling it is better than just letting it collect dust somewhere.

    Back to the Cx105, in regards to workjumps, technology-wise it's way more advanced but I feel like it's a bit disappointing when it comes to user (ie skydiver) friendly features.

    A few examples:

    More fading effects on the Pc110.

    On the plus side though is the smaller size and less weight, but in whole, before HD & blueray becomes standard it didn't really warrant an upgrade...


  13. Finally I had some time to play around with my new Cx105, thinking abou workflow for videos, and tandemvideo in particular. When using the fader (that is limited to white fader or black fader), it in my opinion takes a bit to much time to fade. Somewhere around 5-6 seconds to fade in fully. On my old Pc110 this was done in about half that time, which I think gives a more natural transition between scenes. Question: Is it possible to adjust the time for the fader?

    On another note, when recording; the camera creates a new clip everytime the recording is stopped. Is it possible to override this function so that when for example doing a tandemvideo, the whole video is in one clip? Ie having something like a pause button during recording?


  14. Years ago we came across this porn flick, I think it was called Gang Bang 8, and it started with a female AFF student that landed out, next to a chain gang (and the rest is obvious). But what makes it a precious gem is that the skydiving footage in the beginning seemed genuine, and also that while the movie progresses, you can see canopies landing in the background.

    I've been asked to get a copy of it for my employer here at the DZ, but I can't find it anywhere on the net. Does someone out there have any idea of where I can get it? VHS or DVD doesn't matter!
