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Everything posted by 983

  1. Hey Tracy here's mine. 8 sec delay, unvented canopy (dagger) with 2pin container (perigee pro), direct and indirect control of the slider (2 wraps), large mesh slider, slider gate, shallow brake settings and the opening was in a track. For this jump I didn't do anything different as I always do, the only thing (but in this case if anything I think it should have helped prevent more this weird mal) was to make bigger the slider bite that goes on the C line rubber band because I was getting hard openings. Also this canopy was one size bigger than my usual canopy. Thanks to unclecharlie for bring the "weird mal" thread up again. From the picture it was exactly what I had. Mucho BASE
  2. Cheerio Coniglio Bianco (grande), let us know when you guys are coming to Italy again. By the way Unclecharlie, am I allow to post here right? as I have already made my first wingsuit "flight"... Mucho BASE, Giovanni aka El Maestro aka the guy with the harmonica
  3. There you go!!! I did write my name on my profile.
  4. Hi there, I'd like to listen to some opinions regarding having the video camera on top of a helmet. I already did it this way because I think it is, and have read some articles in which it seems like a better solution than having it at the side. I'll use it mostly for BASE jumps and just for info, I've never jump with a camera before. The pros basically would be having the weight centered and avoiding riser strikes which could lead to off heading openings (not good) or any other opening problem when one side has more tension than the other. Am I correct? On the cons side, the only problem I have been told of would be when having a low line twist. The camera could get in the twist making it difficult for head movement while trying to untwist the lines and possibly correcting heading direction. Also if jumping slider down, it would be better to remove the slider completely from the rig, which I already do everytime. So, does it seems like a good idea? Anything else I didn't think about? Thanks, 983