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Posts posted by Daemia

  1. I got mine a week ago and jumped it a few times now.
    Compared to the Blade (1) the main differences are the bigger legwing, the new air-intakes at the front and of course the attachment system with the zippers.

    Attaching the suit is easy and can be done in seconds.
    Flying the suit is awesome, it's easy to handle and even after several flights it's not exhausting to the arms (it's even taking less effort to fly the Blade 2 than to fly a Firebird. Compared to the S6 the difference is gigantic!)
    Backflying works really well, too.
    I'm really enthusiatic about the new Blade and I can definetely recommend it :)

  2. Actually i did read the thread (though I didn't get that you contacted Argus directly, sorry for that), but if not even the Argus representative answered your question here in a way of "yes or no", who should?
    By the way, imho getting no direct reply of a manufacturer of a life-saving-device when asking a question about that device does not make a very good impression...