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  1. Really? I jumped in snow once. In CA. We went through a cloud, and there was snow coming down on the other side. I didn't think it was the best idea in the world, but the guy who took me said it was OK. Too cold, in my opinion. Down jackets under jumpsuits? Er... No, I'd rather not. But again, maybe I'm just being too sensative about it.
  2. Do most people jump all winter? It's currently about Zero (Celcius) on the GROUND here, and I can't imagine how cold it must be up top. Maybe I'm just being a wuss, but it's even cold up there in the summer!
  3. Thanks a lot for the info and suggestions, guys. I'll probably start with checking Skydive Jersey Shore down here by the beach, but probably not until spring. It's just so cold here now. I wouldn't mind doing manifest. It would be great to learn how to pack and make some money doing that, but I'll clean out the gutters and scrape the toilets if they'll teach me to jump. Thanks again! Dan
  4. Hi all, My name's Dan. I'm definitely new to skydiving, but I've gone tandem six times over the past four years. I've been with different people each time, so I've never gone further than just tandem jumps, but I'd really love to learn. Does anyone know of a dropzone or a company that will teach someone in exchange for doing menial tasks or manual labor? I learned to hang glide by spending a summer training as a beginners instructor in North Carolina, taking tourists out to fly off sand dunes. It didn't pay anything at all, but all training was free and we "instructors" could fly for free off-hours, in exchange for teaching these little 5-jump lessons to tourists. I left there with a Hang 2 HGA rating (after just one summer and a whole lot of hard work). Is there anything like this in the skydiving commuinty? Thanks, Dan