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Posts posted by calledisrael

  1. Yup. I had a torn labrum and a Bankart repair, after repeat dislocations, after AFF 6... 
    Laid off/recovered for about 4 months, then I did 3 tunnel flights and a tandem before I finished my A. I had pretty high anxiety after my accident, and both of those helped me prove to myself that I could jump and not have my shoulder come out again. 

    I don't jump anymore... but no regrets. Still so glad I did it all. 

  2. After I had surgery to repair my shoulder I did one tandem and flew in the tunnel -- just to be sure I felt confident. (I had had /multiple/ in-air dislocations, though... so it had started to create an emotional reaction in me...)

    Do what you need to feel solid - you'll be fine. :)

    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  3. I'll chime in to say that I too had multiple dislocations, and each time it came out more easily (by the 4th time, my shoulder would come out in freefall - no grips needed, just through air pressure) - It's so worth getting it fixed. I had surgery (Bankart repair) and PT for a few months, and now my repaired shoulder is stronger and more secure than my uninjured one. Left OR right, repeatedly landing a parachute with both toggles in one hand is NOT a lot of fun.

    It won't keep you from jumping - if you take the time to get it healthy to jump. After PT I tested it in the tunnel and on a tandem (enough strength to pull) - and was confident. :)

    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  4. personally i like trauma center: new blood. there's something about doing surgery on people, cutting them open, that makes me feel better after a bad day :)

    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  5. Exactly. When my sister wanted to jump (tandem), I drove her the 2 hours to my favorite small DZ rather than take her the 30 minutes to the local very large one.

    The big DZ is a great place, but she had a much better experience for a first-timer at the small - everyone talked to her, she felt connected, it became a personal thing instead of an anonymous-push-through-the-tandem-machine sort of deal.

    If someone wants to become a jumper, though, the previous poster is completely right: start the place you want to stay or would go most frequently. Make friends, build relationships from the start.

    Have fun!! There is incredible jumping weather in Texas today, I'm sending some of it your way :)

    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  6. i had the exact same injury two summers ago, spiral fracture of right fibula, about 3 inches above my ankle. i didn't jump for 7 months, because i didn't feel completely back to normal and pain free until then...

    ... but as everyone said, it depends on you and your injury and your recovery and your doctor.
    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  7. I had the same surgery after an accident and 2 in-air dislocations.
    Wore a brace for my next 3 jumps with no incident - it was probably all mental, honestly. I don't remember what the name of my brace is but I will look when I get home.
    I do confess, the tunnel wrecked me. I didn't have trouble per se but could hardly raise my arm for the rest of the day - but 30 min is way longer than a skydive. This was about 8 months post-op.
    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  8. one of the instructors at the dz where i did aff always recommended one of those balance balls, the big ones that they use in pilates - talk to an instructor if you want to know how to do it. i used to read arched backwards over it, head almost on the floor... and i was always a good arch-er. :)

    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  9. get your shoulder looked at. just to be safe.

    i injured mine once jumping and didn't think it could be that bad, it was better in a few days. what had been one dislocation became 3, and it got worse, not better. be safe and get it checked out, for your skydiving future.

    just saying... :)

    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  10. i wondered if any of you pilot-types could advise me... i want to get my dad a magazine subscription or two for christmas. he gets "AOPA Pilot" - can anyone suggest something else that's really good?

    thank you very much :)
    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  11. no, you're right. the capsule/vehicle is called orion. the rocket is called ares. the whole program is called constellation.
    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  12. the constellation project is next after the shuttle program, and the launches will be just as magnificent. :-) they are going back to large rockets like before, with a capsule, rather than the reusable vehicle with boosters.

    i saw my first launch live this past summer, and it was like seeing it for the first time ever. tv doesn't compare at all... :)
    i start working at NASA next week, in houston... and i am so excited!

    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  13. i dislocated twice in freefall as a student (following a landing where i injured my shoulder) - once my instructor pulled for me, the other i went straight for silver with my left arm.

    you can totally come back. i had the surgery, and i ended up totally great. just find out what you need to do and take your time and DO YOUR PT!!! :)
    you can read my postings on shoulder injury if you want, or ask me some questions... good luck to you.

    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  14. i am not that experienced in skydiving. but the parachute and its pilot was the best ever addition to my skydiving education i could have had, and transcending fear is even better - that book changed my perspective and made me a better jumper by alot.

    and i agree: brian germain seems (over email/internet at least) to be one of the best kinds of people, and really committed to just giving back to others and making skydiving better for everyone.
    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  15. i had arthroscopic bankart repair of the shoulder done... is that the same as your operation? pm me if you want more info. for me that arm was pretty immobile and in the giant black brace for a month, 3-4 months (with solid PT) before it felt close to normal. there wasn't alot of nagging pain except in that first month. my ortho didn't even show me the brace before i did it, i was pissed afterward, it was gigantic.

    i'm so glad i did it...
    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  16. i don't have titanium... but after i broke my leg and was released to walk on it, it was still months before it felt normal. i remember walking down the stairs 2 months post-cast and wondering if i was ever going to be completely pain-free... you'll get there.

    and i got an air cast on my orthopedist's recommendation, and it was great.
    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  17. You'll be fine. Just go. I told my tandem instructor on the plane the first time that I wasn't sure I could make myself do it, even thought I wanted to. He said, "well, you are attached to me, and *I'm* going, so that pretty much says it." :)
    And listen to Mykel (AFFI) - he knows alot about these things. He was one of my later instructors, too, and was very good.

    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  18. I have friends who live overseas, and use Vonage or Skype to call me voice-over-IP. Those calls usually show up for me either as 1-000-000-0000 or as 123456789. Maybe you have a new international friend.

    /shrug/ :)

    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)

  19. spaceland has a large prison nearby, but that's definitely not it...
    life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
    (helen keller)