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Posts posted by dzolloyd

  1. As a DZO of a small Cessna DZ in lower mid-west USA, I pay TIs $30 and AFFIs $25 per jump. An AFFI gets $5 extra for a ground prep. A TI gets $5 extra for a ground prep for an AFP type tandem jump. And a TI doing a "VIP" type tandem gets another $10 extra. If the TI does a "handcam" he will earn another $30. So tandem pay here is from $30 to $75 per jump. And the TI may also get a generous tip, something that is rare to the AFFIs.
    GET SOME, altitude!

  2. Give the mug to someone else for safe keeping. During the past 44 years I have been married three times. I have not been allowed to keep pictures of my ex's or ex-girlfriends. Even though they were put away, they always came up missing if I didn't destroy them. I have kept my mouth shut about gifts from other women. But, I sometimes wish I still had pictures of some of the ex's. My daughters, (I have four of them, all grown now), wish they had pics of them too. Their mother left when the youngest was 15 months old and was not heard from for over 15 years. Some of my ex's were mother figures to them and my daughters wish they had pics.
    GET SOME, altitude!

  3. I would prefer to call black people black. I only refered to black folks as African/American to try and keep my ass from being gnawed on by the world. Sorry if I offended you too. Hell, I just tried to ask a simple question about black skydivers in America and maybe get info to help the demographics of black skydivers in my area. Seems that some folks on here wanna stir shit about race and not answer the question at all.
    GET SOME, altitude!

  4. All African/Americans wanting to make a skydive are welcome at my DZ. Lately we had the cast of "The Lion King" make a few jumps here. However, there are not many that chose to do so. We have none that are licensed. We prolly have about 10-20 per year that make a first jump but never come back for a second. They all have a great time when here and leave with great memories. Just wondering why they do not stay in the sport and wondering if it was the same elsewhere. Sorry if I offended you.
    GET SOME, altitude!

  5. Recently I saw a post in the forums from a jumper that has a six digit USPA membership number and a four digit "D" License number. I checked the USPA DZO credential database and sure enough, he does. Anyone know how this possible for someone that has only been jumping 12 years.
    GET SOME, altitude!

  6. You are correct. I passed a Don Yarhling course in '95 and 6 out of 12 passed. I know of AFF candidates passing recently when the cameraman was closer to the student at pull time than the candidate.
    GET SOME, altitude!

  7. Welp, I've read replies here and other places on this topic and have decided to do the T/AFF progression at SDA.

    Tandem #1 (Arch, reading the altimeter, PRCP, & canopy control).
    Tandem #2 (Same as above with leg drills and actual pull).
    Tandem #3 (Same as above with turns).
    Then full AFF FJC & one AFFI Level 3 release dive.

    I do realize some AFFI's out there shudder on release dives with two JM's. However, when I got my AFFI ticket (Don Yarhling course) we were required to be able to handle any AFF level with only one JM. We were evaluated on six jumps and if you couldn't cut it you didn't get your ticket. Having eleven seasons under my belt, I have no fear of letting go of a student that has been exposed to freefall training 3-4 times. I have caught plenty of level 4's & 5's to stop the spins and turn them over. I had to stop spins & rollover on four out of the six evaul dives to get my ticket. Now, as a DZO I expect my AFF instructors to posess and exhibit such skill qualities. Things are a lot easier for AFFI's nowdays. Some have pencil whipped and rubber stamped their way to their AFFI ticket. Most of those instructors are afraid to freearm their students even on a level three (they should be free arming from level one).

    I may be short on AFFI's at my DZ, as I only have 3 right now, but if I thought they couldn't handle a single JM slot, they wouldn't be AFFI's at my DZ to begin with. I am truely blessed with instructor skills at SDA. ;)
    GET SOME, altitude!