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Posts posted by mcashatt01

  1. Guido, where is the demo? I live in asheboro, so maybe i can get some friends together to come watch and hopefully it will encourage them to make there first leap. Anyway, I think I've only spoken to you once or twice but if you need anything while in Asheboro give me a call 3362673109

  2. Just to ease your mind, I sold a rig to a guy in new zealand, some how it got caught up in customs and didn't arrive untill 4 months later. I know the guy probably thought I had scammed him. But we remained in contact, it's pretty strange that he's disapeared.

  3. Quote

    And that is the dynamic forces on canopies and how it is possible to get bag strip. That is also why RWS states you should use tube stows on the locking stows on their tandems. To prevent bagstrip.

    Sorry I'm unfamiliar with the term bag strip. Could someone explain?

  4. If there was a pole with no windsock or other eye catching things on it, chances are someone is going to run into it.

    The good thing is that you just ran into it and didn't jab a toggle. Just sounds like a run of bad luck.

    I'm no where close to having a tandem rating so my opinion means squat, but I've often heard the TM's talk about tandems hurting the rest of there flying.

    In the end only you can make the decision to leave the sport, but I believe like the others on this forum. If you do leave you'll probably be back.

    I love to play golf, I used to take it seriously and it sucked. Then I realized that the whole fun was being able to drink and drive without getting harassed by the police. Play every man drinks one beer per hole, loser of each hole has to chug another beer before reaching the next hole.

  5. It may not cut the numbers in half but it would certainly hurt membership numbers to some degree. That however, was not my point. I wasn't trying to say that not allowing tandem only dz's would cut numbers in half. i was simply offering a question that would support my previous post referring to the correlation between membership numbers and the uspa's power, however limited it may be.

  6. Quote

    No, the fact that the USPA is the only organization representing skydivers in the United States is what gives USPA its power (however limited that may be).

    i could very well be wrong about non sport jumpers obtaining memberships, but to say that the USPA's standing, of being the only organization representing skydivers, is what gives them there power is asinine. Do you honestly think that if our membership numbers where cut in half that there would be no consequence's. In politics money and numbers are all that count.

  7. Quote

    If you voted "yes", please explain why.

    For the simple reason that it increases membership numbers. I would suspect that there are many uspa members that have only participated in one or two tandem jumps. Those membership numbers are what give the uspa it's power.

    I do understand however, why one would say they shouldn't be allowed membership. Especially from those who believe that tandem has hurt our sport. I myself have not been in the sport long enough to tell if it has or hasn't. But one thing is for sure, time will tell.

  8. I know exactly how you feel, all I can think about is getting to the DZ. The morning comes and I wake up with butterflies in my stomach and then get up take a shower and begin my two hour ride. Once I get in my car I'm fine untill about 15 minutes out, then the butterflies come back. Once I walk in the door I remember. I remember that this is the most fullfilling experience in the world.
    I am a broke college student so needless to say I don't get to jump as often as I would like. This does promote the butterflies. During the summer when I can jump often I never have this feeling of anxiety. To me one of the best things about skydiving is the experience with such feelings. To overcome your fears is an awesome experience by itself, if your fear is going to the DZ then you should go just to overcome that fear, then if you feel comfortable you may find yourself itching to get up to altitude. I hope this is of some help, one thing is for sure you are not alone in this, everyone has experienced similar feelings.

  9. I have absolutely no pity for either of them. I don't care how hard up she is. She has no right to slander our sport, it's hard enough to bring people into this sport without the scott lutz's out there. People like this have real moral issues. To be able to attend multiple interviews and knowingly lie to the world and degrade 40K skydivers who are all having a hard enough time getting people to try out skydiving. Both of these people should be shunt by the whole skydiving community and that includes all of you bleeding hearts out there that have pity for these two self inflicting idiots. Once again this is exactly why people should be given IQ test before they are allowed to jump solo.

  10. Quote

    I know the people in the video. What a crock of shit. It was her second or third freefall. Her first six or so jumps were IAD. The instructor was her boyfriend. The canopy was a Sabre2 190. She opened a perfectly good main. Her boyfriend had her doing rear riser turns. She inadvertantly fired a toggle while doing so and she cutaway a perfectly good main. The reserve opened with slider up. Appearantly she did not pump the risers to clear it. As with the main all she had to do was unstow the other toggle. This story has been all over the news in this area. All blame was put on the equipment and NONE on the boyfriend who put her under a canopy she had no business being under or the jumper herself. I talked with Shayna a couple of weeks before this incident about canopies. She was talking about something much smaller and I told her she needs to stay under something that is big and floaty. Something more forgiving than something that is ground hungry. I see this as soley the fault of her boyfriend for giving bad advise on canopy choice. Instructors should never instruct girlfriends/boyfriends as they are less likely to see a problem. The word is that they have been selling this story. What a crock of shit. This does nothing but make our sport look bad. I hope like hell that these two are shunned at all dropzones. Our sport does not need this type of publicity.
    I feel real bad that this had to happen as Shayna is a very sweet person. Yet, I also feel sad that our sport is very seldom shown in a positive light.

    This is Exactly why DZ's should give IQ test.

  11. I dislocated my shoulder on level 10 of IAF during a backflip, actually flatening out of the backflip. The doctor said that it was probably due to torn ligaments from a prior football injury. The doctor said I would never be able to throw again and if it happens again (which it probably will) that i will have to have reconstructive surgery. Oh well, a small price I'll just have to pay

  12. I guess I missed getting in on the action for the NCAA. I think the brackets had to be turned in today at 12 does anyone know for sure? One thing's for sure marion not going to win. I wanna see a Carolina vs. Duke final. But I guess Marion would be scared to see that. Since that last Carolina vs. Duke game. (LOL)