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  1. Hello, if you are an ex AFF student at free fall addicts you can buy a sponsored rig at a "specially sponsored price" does anybody know how much it is and what rig it is, i have tried to contact them by email but im guessing they are busy as i have had no reply.
  2. i was just wondering what the average amount of jumps people did to pass there AFF 8 jumps eg you can pass in 8 but people might have passed in 13 ect, this is not including the 10 consolidation jumps
  3. thank you that is what i thought happend, so after 10 consolidation jumps i will be able to jump without a trainer great
  4. are there any good skydiving magazines in the UK i have had a look around and i have come to no avail so if you could post telling me what magazines there are that would be a great help
  5. i have about £4000+ to spend on skydiving i have been saving up
  6. well thank you for answering me so would i have any licence if i did 18 jumps in total because i was thinking of doing my jumps with[/url][url] because they are cheap compared to the prices which i have seen and they do more jumps i would prefer to do 18 instead of 8 anyway because then i have more experiance, also if i do complete 25 jumps with everything taught me will i then get an A licence, if so i might as well do 25 jumps with them because it means i only have to do 7 more jumps, and how many jumps did you do before you were qualified
  7. Hello i am new to skydiving, and at the begining of next year i am hopefully going to start AFF lessons, i have been looking around for the best prices but what i have noticed is that some require you to do 8 jumps with an instructer to get a licence and some require 8 jumps with an instructer plus 10 consolidation jumps what i want to know is why on some do you only have to do 8 jumps, to get a licence and on other ones you have to do 18 jumps in total.