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Dropzone Reviews posted by Iota

  1. A few friends and I always wanted to skydive, so we decided to finally do it on 9/4/04 and after researching various places, we chose Spaceland.

    As we walked in we were greated by a staff member, Mykel, who was very friendly and helpfull to us with explaining everything and getting us going in the right direction.

    Matt took up upstairs and went over the satefy instructions; While doing so, he told us the 'minimums' for a successfull skydive, as well as the proper things we should try to be thinking about as if we weren't going tandem, as these skills would help us if we choose to continue on to their student program.

    My TI, Brian, was extermely helpfull. From helping me get into my suit, going through safety checks on the ground, talking about safety and 'the plan' again just before boarding the plane, and talking about 'the plan again' in the plane (reviewing) as well talking (telling me) every inspection point he's verifying and checking as he's hookoing my harness up to his.

    After we were under canopy, again, he told me how he was checking the canopy, why it was important, then proceeded to take me on a nice ride down to the ground.

    The overall experience was exciting and somewhat humerous at times but at no time were safety issues joked about nor did they take the 'sit back and let me do my job' approach. They explained everyting, which to me is _very_ important. I was so happy with my experience, my friends and I went back 2 days later for our 2nd tandem and now we plan on enrolling in their student training program.