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Posts posted by mfnren

  1. I see what you are saying about drag/size= speed. But that description kind of misses some things. Yes, pilot skill plays a large part.
    If you compare small/large. Say a P3 and a V5 at a set glide angle, the small suit will almost always be slower (except for small angles) because it needs to fly at a higher angle of attack (producing more drag) to produce the lift to get to a set distance. A larger wing that produce more lift will be able to fly a lower angle of attack, therefore cleaner, producing less drag and faster...

  2. Quote

    Actually those speeds are pretty much the same but the amount of surface you are trying to drag around the sky is double the size

    So you're saying a phantom 3 and a v5 flown by the same pilot, expert in both suits, are basically the same speed?

    And another question. How many Tonysuits, Squirrels, S-flys, etc have you flown?

  3. I have to say that the humbleness and lack of media whoring by Gary inspire me, even more than his jump.

    In our time of overexposure, media craving, I wanna be famous culture. It is a breath of fresh air that someone did something so challenging with his own money and the help of his friends. No big money, no f'n commercials and fake hype.

    Jeb is a nice guy, a good jumper. But as has been said, the jumpers out there doing much more amazing flights for themselves , fun and challenge with no desire for media coverage inspire me way more than Jeb ever will...

  4. Wow, I think you won the best post contest on this thread! For sure the most useful...

    So if we take what a few advanced pilots are getting as far as sustained descent rate- 15-25 mph and multiply it by 5-7, we get a low end 75 mph to a high end of 150 mph. Those are the speeds we would need to soar a a current wingsuit...

    Did I do that correctly?

  5. "I will pattent it soon when i start designing my own wingsuit"
    Remeber this?

    Seriously man, you remind me of Sangi back in the day before he started jumping. Remember Sangi?
    Anyway, listen more, talk less. That is my advice to your ignorant ass, there might be suits like your drawing there someday. But you obviously have no idea what the problems associated w/ building one are. Even though you fly paraglider and hang gliders, you under estimate the forces involved.
    Do you think you are the only paraglider/Hang glider that has an interest in wing suiting? I can count about 5 off the top of my head that have been flying and jumping longer than you have been alive, and even more that currently design wings for the top paragliding manufacturers. Like these guys ( Thats right, the entire Ozone team also fly wing suits, but they don't know anything about flying and building wings compared to you!;)
    It ain't as simple as throwing in some carbon fiber spars and extending the aspect ratio...But don't believe us :P Go fly in the tunnel and prepare to take over the world!

  6. There is a lot of talk of judging with the grid, but not much about "flying" in it...
    In the grid everyone is supposed to be in a 3 meter box, accounting for everyone being about 2 meters tall, give or take, that leaves about half a meter on both ends. Everyone in the formation should be flying about a meter apart, or approx. 3 feet. The spaces were much wider in the formation, more like 2 meters. I think there was confusion about how far apart we were supposed to be...

  7. Isreal has occupied gaza for over 50 years and still does. Yes, they have pulled settlers out of gaza,but still have a blockade around the entire region, it is a prison camp.

    This is not a war, it is a massacre. There have been over 2 thousand palestinian deaths and wounded. 50% are women and children.
    There have been 8 Isreali deaths, 4 of which were soldiers killed by other Isrealis. And approximately 30 injuries.

    "In response, Hamas and others in Gaza again resorted to firing crude, homemade, and mainly inaccurate rockets into Israel. During the past seven years, these rockets have been responsible for the deaths of 17 Israelis. Over the same time span, Israeli Blitzkrieg assaults have killed thousands of Palestinians, drawing worldwide protest but falling on deaf ears at the UN." (Shamus Cooke, The Massacre in Palestine and the Threat of a Wider War, Global Research, December 2008)

    A doctor in Gaza speaking about the casualties.

  8. He got damn lucky... I saw plenty of exits that made me and the other jumpers cringe and hold our breath until we saw him fly away.

    From personal experience. I bought a v2 right away, Ed sold it to me, I could fly it ok. Now that I have been flying a phantom and other suits my skills have improved much faster. I should have went for the phantom or another smaller suit 1st.

  9. I noticed that as well on the sector i was in, right wing. I think that there were alot of factors.
    One is normal turbulance. The early morning flights did seem to be smoother than those later in the day. It doesn't have to be feel warm for thermals to occur. The air near the ground just has to warmer than above for it to start rising and upper levels to start falling.
    Another is that in a smaller group small movements don't get amplified as much. If someone in the front of a large group moves half a meter, and everyone down the line reacts, it's multiple meters off by the end.
    At the start of the event I was only seeing 2 maybe 3 other people in front of me, by the end, my perspective was much bigger. As the line I was part of moved up or down, I kept my eyes on the front of my line who barely moved because they were next to the base. I started trying not to react to the small movements of those directly in front of me unless necessary to stay in my slot.
    I think the unconcious reaction to small movements is a big reason for the waving and whipping. Add some turbulance to cause some larger movement and it gets worse...
    Any body else notice anything similar?

  10. Many magazines require that they are the first to publish a photograph when it is submitted. They probably wouldn't like it being flung around the internet. Don't get your panties in a bunch just yet, you'll just have to patient like everybody else.

    And you missed my point, I was comparing definitions of "slot perfect" and "grid perfect" Not if the photos I had seen were an "almost" completed formation and that somehow counts as the record.

    You do seem hostile and impatient about this whole thing.
    Why wait to get sanctioned from the FAI or whatever for an evnt like this? Flying in big ass formations is new for evrybody and the experience that jumpers gained will carry into many future formation attempts. We have to start somewhere, and learning how flock with 70 other people is a good start, no matter the criteria.