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Posts posted by Superman32

  1. Baby is due next month, so I'm looking to buy some cute/funny skydiving clothing for my baby boy.
    Not really mpressed by selection at cafe press. Any other suggestions?
    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  2. There have been rumors of the line being discontinued since 2008.
    There aren't many fj's in dealerships and the ones that are in stock don't last very long.
    Unfortunately quite the opposite is true about discounts. There are no discounts or incentives at all
    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  3. Im thinking about getting the fj cruiser this month. It's in no way a practical vehicle but it sure seems like a fun truck.
    I'll use it as my daily driver with an occasional trip to the dirt.
    Does anyone have this truck and what do you think of it?
    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  4. My fiancee and I are on the market for a new bed and we are debating between two mattresses: Tempurpedic Cloud Supreme vs Sealy Posturepedic South Court.

    They are both comfortable but the Tempurpedic is significantly more expensive, however with financing it seems doable. The sealy being a standard mattress, I'm more interested in feedback on the Tempurpedic from anybody that has one or has slept on one.

    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  5. Question for the jumping Docs.

    When did you take step 3.
    I have a few friends taking Step 3 before PGY1 begins, because step 2 still fresh in their heads and they will have more time to study.

    I'll be done with school by mid March, but the idea of a vacation, some silly job, drinking and jumping again B| seem alot more appealing to me than the misery of studying for a couple of months,
    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  6. Quote

    What's the TOTAL price for both plus alterations...what kind of suits are they....designer etc? you really LIKE 'em? ;)

    The Total price for both is $910. I are both "designer" but I don't really think anybody famous - "Jack Victor" and "Michael Kors".

    I'm really not a suit person, I'm not even a shirt and tie person, but as far as suits go I think they are nice. Don't know if nearly $1k nice, for clothing that will mostly sit in a closet, but they are nice.

    I'm getting these suits for job interviews, and the second essentially to take advantage of the deal and so I could have a spare.

    I have 1 other suit, but its a 3 button and I think its looking kinda dated.
    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  7. When buying a men's suit, are the alteration included in the purchase price?

    I just came back from Men's Warehouse where they are having a promotion --buy 1 get a second for $100. -- so I decided to get 2. The end price ended up being a higher than expected, but I figured it was the tax. Well, I just looked at the receipt and they are charging me $150 bucks for alterations - Not major things but waist, length,etc.

    I haven't bought a suite in a while, but I thought it was part of purchase price.

    I kinda want to go back and cancel the order, because I was definately not impressed by the tailor, he kinda just eye balled the adjustments, not really getting any measurements. My other thought was to allow them to fix the jacket and take the pants to a dry cleaner and have them to the sizing.

    What do you guys think.
    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  8. Unfortunately the kid didn't make it (multiple gun shot wounds to the chest), but not for the lack trying. He was worked on for a long time.

    In what may appear as very cold thing to say, it was a great learning experience with great teaching - Hopefully we can use the lessons from this patient for a better outcome on the next.
    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  9. Every once in a while need little reminders of why we do what we do. Why put myself through the debt, stress and misery of med school?

    I got my little reminder a couple of nights ago, when I had my hands inside the chest of 16 year old, pumping his heart with my hands :)
    Yesterday, I also did my first lumbar puncture, which is obviously not nearly as awesome as intrathoracic cardiac compression, but there is something to be said about sticking a big needle into someone's spinal canal.
    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  10. Tomorrow, I'll take another life altering exam - A 10 hours long miserable experience that determines how the rest of my life is going to go.

    Hopefully, it won't be a repeat of the last test, where I was about 100 times more nervous and freaked out than I have ever been jumping or pretty much doing anything else.

    So, if you can spare a second or two, send me some good vibes, a little prayer, or what ever it is that you do. I would really appreciate it.

    On the positive side, as these tests and school are finally coming to an end. I'll be able to start jumping again B|


    BTW, the test I'm taking is the USMLE step 2 - A medical licensing exam that kinda determines where I go and what I do for residency.
    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  11. What's in your BBQ menu?

    Hamburger = E. coli 0157:H7 = Bloody Diarrhea.
    Chicken = Campylobacter jejuni = Bloody Diarrhea.
    Pork= Yersenia enterolitica = Bloody Diarrhea.
    Salads, non meat = Shigella = Bloody Diarrhea.
    So maybe some healthy fish = Vibrio parahemolyticus = Bloody diarrhea.
    Only God knows what inside hot dogs but I think its pretty safe to say = Bloody Diarrhea.

    Enjoy your BBQs :)

    Sorry, I'm trapped inside again, missing on having a life :|
    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  12. Just ordered a new 13" Macbook Pro.
    I've been waiting for month to get this thing, and it was worth the wait. Upgrades and price drops on the new models.

    Unfortunately, I had to order on line, since the Apple store has no idea when they're going to get it. I would much rather have the immediate gratification of walking out with a new toy
    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  13. Tipstar - Tipping calculator
    The weather channel
    Urban Daddy - Like urban spoon or Around me but better
    Cychosis- Bicycle log
    KickMap - NYC MTA map (trains)

    ***Flight control *** F'ing addictive

    Totally useless but ALWAYS fun

    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  14. Btw, nice choice with pharmacy. Nice money, nice lifestyle, lots of opportunities.
    Having a life is highly overated. I don't even remember having anything that comes close to resembling a life.
    Only 4 to 8 years left
    Yaay :|

    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  15. Quote

    I need to make sure that it sets me apart. I know I didn't always care about school & am thus reaping the consequences of that now, however, I'm not the same person I was 4 years ago. The harsh realities of life without a college education has schooled my quite well. I now know 2 things: 1) I need school, & 2) I genuinely want to go back. I'd like to think that my situation is not a "day late & dollar short" situation.

    There is your assay my friend.

    These f'ing personal statements are the bane of my existence. I think I've written at least 3 (college, grad, med schools) and I have to write another one>:(. I hate my life B|

    Anyway, how I have always done it, is I start with a scenario that is unique, interesting and highlights what ever you want portrayed (change, characteristic, what ever), that should make a short first paragraph. The hope is that the reader is going to want to read more about your interesting experience.
    The next few paragraphs are used to illustrate whatever you are trying to portray, hopefully using examples of how your life is already leading in that desired direction and how you have changed.
    Last paragraph brings everything together. A quick reference to your opening scenario, you mention how you are perfect for the spot. Last sentence should be somewhat nice sounding and memorable.

    *Keep it to ONE page
    *Have someone (well educated, not your HS brother) read it, make comments and suggest changes.
    *Make it sound impressive but NEVER LIE OR MAKE SHIT UP.

    People will read hundreds if not thousands, they will mainly remember the begining and the end, the middle is kinda fluff (important but fluff - that should be somewhere else in your application)

    Good Luck
    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!

  16. Thanks for the reminder, need to recert CPR, BLS, ACLS, and PALS this year.

    The annoying thing is that every couple of years everything changes and in hospitals and in EMS, nobody really follows the rules.

    I let my EMT and heavy Rescue expire a couple of years ago... I miss those days :|:(

    Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
    I'm back biatches!