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Everything posted by sselos

  1. replied to ya Brit :) I'll probably be out this weekend, let me know
  2. Hello all, just wanted to check in. Just started jumping down in Houston in the past couple of months. My wife has about 30 jumps and I have about 330 jumps. Skydiving at Skydive Houston, hope to get more jumps in here as we get her ramped up and get her a system. Anyway, just saying hi. - Stephen and Jen
  3. So, first of, first time here...Hi.. Second, I'm searching for a rig for my wife, who weighs about 115 without gear and has 30 jumps. I'm looking at a Javellin NJ A-14 style rig, that contains a 126 reserve and a 120 main (spectre). I'm thinking this will fit a 135 (which is what I would start her with). This still falls under the 1.0 wing loading for a low jump number. My main concern is for myself. I currently weight about 180 (plan to loose some weight, hopefully). So, I am wondering the following two things: 1) Does taking my wife down to a 135 Sabre w/ 33 jumps a bad idea (she has been jumping for 20 jumps a 150 sabre, which is really slow up in the air)? 2) If at my current weight + gear I decide to jump the spectre 120, I would be near the max on the canopy (hopefully I can lose about 5-10 lbs). This would put me at a loading of about 1.5. I have 330 jumps and have been jumping for 7 years, with the sabre 135 for the past 100+ jumps. I've read some of the other topics on this, just curious what you guys think. I have jumped a 120 before, but I weighed less and it was a sabre. Is this a bad thing? Attached below is what I am looking into