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Posts posted by chutem

  1. I'd have to have a lawyer read the CA laws to know exactly how it's written to be sure. Is the lower considered the firearm? Was the firearm left where kids could get it? Could you be charged for this if CA gets a wild hair?

    Of course it was meant as humor poking at CA gun/bullet laws, guess it needed a smiley.


    I found this piece interesting while looking at ways that I myself might be affected by bias. It appears the more we think we are not biased the more biased we may be. (based on their research)

    This article presents 12 cognitive biases that prevent us from being rational.

    My challenge to the group is to identify one or more of the biases that you yourself are affected by without pointing out other poster's bias.

    For myself, I am affected by Neglecting probability as it relates to firearms in the home and CCW.

    I'm also interested in your thoughts on the first article.

  3. You win, one can never donate money to an organization they don't agree with 100% on everything.

    If being a member of the NRA makes me scum "in your world" then scum I am.

    I bet there is a lot of scum at the DZ you jump at, maybe next time your there you should explain to them what scum they are face to face.

  4. Yes, my money supports everything they do. That does not mean I agree with everything they do.

    If you are calling me and millions scum for this then Fuck You you self righteous ass.

    I guess in your world it is only acceptable to donate to organizations that you agree with 100% on everything?

  5. yoink

    And now the NRA are suing Florida for trying to enact some form of control. (How dare they??!)

    Among the reasons they cite is 'violating the constitutional rights of women (specifically) because they are less likely to commit violent acts with firearms'.


    The NRA really are scum, and I'm sorry, if you support them you're scum by association. There are right ways and wrong ways to defend constitutional rights - the NRA steps over those lines so often that it's crazy.

    There are plenty of folks who support the NRA and do not agree with every action they take.

    It is sad that you consider them/us all scum.

  6. Based on special note 2 I don't think I'm violating the on topic tag.

    Would people be ok with needing license to vote if I submit to needing a license to own a firearm?

    Note: I already have a CCW permit so have submitted to licensing, but know people who will not get a CCW permit as they don't want their name on a "list".

  7. Bob_Church

    ******"My brother was with some other people 35 years ago when he was 18 and one thing stolen was a gun."

    About two weeks earlier he'd accidentally killed his best friend while cutting firewood. He went a little nuts for awhile.

    Please explain a litle?

    He got drunk with some friends and they broke into a house. He mostly went along because of the girls, but then one of the girls wrote all of their names on a wall with lipstick. We're not talking Bonny and Clyde here.

    What's the story on the accidentally killed his best friend while cutting firewood thing?

  8. This is copy/paste from a post by "Spizzzarko" a while ago. I thought it was a very good explanation of how to achieve the thread title.

    Here is a post I made about two stage flares:

    "I think when people are talking about staged flares they are just passing on bad information! Think of it this way. In its simplest form there are three areas to a landing.

    1. Approach
    2. Plane out
    3. Stopping

    To transition from your approach to plane out, you need to give input to the canopy whether it is toggles or rears. Now do you stop from there? NO. You have to give more input to the canopy to transition from plane out to stopping, correct? Now I'm going to introduce a little bit more of a radical concept here, so everyone take a second and catch your breath...

    Let's first of all get rid of this concept of a two or three staged flare. You don't come in flare halfway, stop, and then flare the rest of the way do you? If so you are doing it wrong. Does that method work? Yes, sometimes, but we are a little more advanced than that, aren't we? I believe this concept was brought about by the old timers who were transitioning from F-111 to ZP canopies. They used this when their canopies would balloon up when they flared all the way like they were used to with their F-111's.

    Let us take the three areas that I spoke of earlier and make them into just one.

    1. Landing

    You need to start thinking this way because, when you are transitioning to smaller faster canopy's, landing doesn't just happen when your altitude reaches zero. Many of the high speed low drag dudes here will probably agree with me that landing for them starts just after they get everything stowed away after opening. Watch them, and talk to them, and you will soon see that every maneuver they make is to set up for landing. There is really no more "Playing Around" when you get to small canopies. Now let us get back to Landing. Your approach flare and stopping should all be one smooth movement. Only flare as much as you need to maintain the altitude above the ground that you want.

    Try looking at the horizon during this part of you landing. I want you to standup right now and look at a far doorknob or something out your window on the horizon. Now stand on your toes, and then back on your flat feet. Do you see the difference in your sight picture? Now how much have you actually moved? 3 to 4 inches if that.

    Now that you have that mastered, think about continuing your flare only as much as you need to, so that your sight picture does not change! I told you it was going to get radical! Now that we are flying flat and level over the ground we eventually need to stop. Well just keep flaring, and maintaining your sight picture. Eventually you will have flared so much that your canopy will no longer be able to produce the amount of lift required to hold your body in the air. This is usually when you put your feet down on the ground.

    I can't tell you how many people I see that don't fly their canopy to it's fullest potential, and then complain that their canopy doesn't have enough flare to support their fat ass's, and that they need to get a Velocity because it has a more powerful flare

    Learn to flare your canopy all of the way. You should not have to run out your landings very much if you are flaring it correctly, even on low wind to no wind days.

    If you change your thought process, and learn to fly your canopy to its fullest then you will be unstoppable!"

  9. yoink

    If you choose to live your life by lumping everyone together into extremely simplistic groups that you can profile that's your lookout. Particularly complex political groups which cross ages, genders, race and religion demographics.

    It explains why so many of your conclusions are erroneous, in my opinion. You're extrapolating the behaviors of the many from the few which is EXACTLY the opposite of how it should be done.

    I stand by my opinion that it's lazy at best, disingenuous and ignorant at worst.

    This is kind of like how Trump voters are lumped together.

  10. chemist

    the most important thing is to read all the fatalities and accidents related to cameras and review additional things that can go wrong, not having 200 jumps. That being said with 30 jumps no way you can jump a camera, it would just be information overload. Fresh off A license you are still nervously checking all your gear, don't know order in the plane etc... and unless you have a lot of tunnel you won't be able to get any footage anyways.

    Around 100 jumps (if you get to 100 fast and actively jumping) is when you start getting comfortable enough that you could add a camera IF you understand all the extra thing s that can go wrong (knowing snag risk is not enough, you need to think about snag on reserve bridle, snag on another jumper main bridle, snag on front riser, snag on D ring in the door or in free fall, etc...) it's really an issue of "you don't know what you don't know"

    Not knowing what you don't know is certainly something to think about when giving advice to low time jumpers.

  11. SkyDekker

    ***Is anyone concerned that violent protesters are more and more able to shut down people wishing to speak publicly when they do not agree with the views being presented?

    Speaking at a university isn't speaking publicly.

    Nobody is stopping Ann Coulter from reaching billions on the internet, or to stand on a corner and preach to the locals.

    Does it concern you that violent protesters are able to shut down people invited to speak at a university by a group of students whose views are in the minority there?

  12. Calvin19

    ************Yes, balloons can hover over the earth by using the different directions of wind and different altitudes.

    Can this be done at the same time as climbing to 40k' in a "reasonable" time?

    Very few planes can you take to 40,000ft and jump. But the answer to your question is anywhere from 1,000ft/min and up. It really depends on how much helium is wasted in the free lift. If 20,000lb extra were thrown into a balloon lifting only 2,000lb, it would take off like a rocket ship.

    Not asking how fast a balloon can climb, asking if you can "hover" a balloon over a certain area while at the same time climbing to 40k' in a reasonable amount of time?

    Longer answer:
    Assuming perfect conditions in the most ideal area in the world, maybe. If you use a tether. A 60,000' tether for something with ~4000lb inertial mass would weigh (assuming lightest material available) about 4000 pounds.

    That would probably leave a mark if it came lose and hit you.

  13. bjgraybeal

    ******Yes, balloons can hover over the earth by using the different directions of wind and different altitudes.

    Can this be done at the same time as climbing to 40k' in a "reasonable" time?

    Very few planes can you take to 40,000ft and jump. But the answer to your question is anywhere from 1,000ft/min and up. It really depends on how much helium is wasted in the free lift. If 20,000lb extra were thrown into a balloon lifting only 2,000lb, it would take off like a rocket ship.

    Not asking how fast a balloon can climb, asking if you can "hover" a balloon over a certain area while at the same time climbing to 40k' in a reasonable amount of time?