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Posts posted by rhino

  1. Quote

    So, you can make all the judgments that you like, but my own experience is that those who feel the need to control everyone else do so because they have no self-control.

    Further, I can tell you from my own experience, such people make singularly lousy parents.

    I'm not judging anyone. You have to live with you. Fortunately I don't. Keep rationalizing and making excuses for things you know are wrong. Someday the kids will be grown and gone.. then you can deny any of it ever happened to make yourself feel better..

    That, "I became a mom against odds" crap may work with someone else. not me.. No symathy here. If you had to work to get pregnant and you STILL decided to smoke? Well the proof is in your face.. Saying "I bacame a mom against all odds" is a rationalization and excuse for poor behavior.. Believe me, the only person that buys it is you..

    Look in the mirror.. No matter what you post on here and how you try and defend yourself "and say it's all o.k." you have to ultimately live with you..


  2. Quote

    Its the medical term for a baby while it is in the mothers womb. MANY people do not believe the baby is a baby

    bla, bla, bla, bla... yak, yak, yak, yak.. Same thing I hear from you over and over again.. A bunch of woman's rights crap.. Fetus this.. It... that... Your attitude is poor when it comes to the value of a human life.. Who cares what PEOPLE think.. Stop stating everyone elses beliefs and come up with your own belief system.. Stop cowaring behind women, society, the masses and philosophy, defend children and innocence for once in your life...

    For goodness sake.. Step up...


  3. Quote

    Actually, in an adult women, she has the SOLE right to what she does with her body. Granted I am against abortion but lets face the truth, its her body and she is the one who still can legally do with it what she wants.

    Maybe so. But the child’s body is not her body. The child is a separate being all together. Once a woman gets pregnant "like it or not" humanity dictates that she take care of herself because she is now responsible for that child. You don't have to agree and frankly I don't give a damn if you do or not. Most women sympathize with women.

    SOME women need to take their role much more seriously while pregnant and stop making excuses for themselves and others. That "It's my body and I'll do with it what I want to crap" is a bunch of shit. That's why family court is so fucked up. That's why fathers are shit on these days "Even the good ones".

    People need to quit their fucking whining and accept responsibility for their actions and weaknesses. Too many excuses and rationalizations in here.

    Bottom line... You get pregnant you have a duty to that child. Your life now becomes secondary to that child. If you continue to put yourself first "like smoking" you should consider adoption.

    Who cares how "acceptable" smoking was 30 years ago. It's still a sorry ass excuse for WEAKNESS and selfishness. Women who smoked and smoke while pregnant are setting the stage for their entire child’s life. That stage says, "A cigarette is more important to me, your mother, than you are. Welcome to my world of stink and second hand smoke little baby. This is moma's fucking house. You don't have to like the air, you just have to breath it.."

    End of story..


  4. Quote

    is where the problem lies.


    I believe in the whole "women submit unto your husbands thing" but only to the extent that it is a mutual submission of respect for the other and for the family in regards to living by Gods word. I do not agree with a husband demanding anything from his wife that he does not demand for himself in return.

    It's o.k. for both of you not to agree. Disagree all you want.. Do you feel better??

    Good... Have a nice day!


  5. Quote

    You guys express shock at that statement as if its an "I'm the man and my wife obeys" kind of thing. I think in this situation a father to be has the right to make certain demands. Sexual equality has nothing to do with it.

    When a woman is pregnant I believe she has new responsibilities which render her "need" for a cigarette irrelevant.

    Well said..

  6. I don't think it will fly with congress.. An investigation is already under way.. Bush is a dumb fuck..

    That's right Mr. George W Bush.. I think you are a fucking idiot.. I'm ashamed to have you as my president and I did not vote for your dumb ass..

  7. Quote

    I was skydiving while pregnant -- got judgments about that?

    Your child won't have withdrawals from skydiving. Your child won't get addicted to skydiving. While I wouldn't let my wife skydive while pregnant I consider it less risky than smoking. Women who smoke while pregnant are trash and don't diserve to be mothers. IT just makes me angry as hell to think about.

  8. Speak for your self. If I mean something I say it directly. The way you are putting words in my mouth surely displays lack of intellgence.

    When I hear Bush do his State of The Union speeches I actually think they are "The State of Our Oil" speeches.. It's become so apparent how deeply tied into the saudis and the Bin Ladin's that the Bush's actually are. That's not a conspiracy theory. It a conclusion that any American with a little bit of common sense should realize by simply watching the decisions made by the administration on a daily basis. I'm ashamed of the Bush administration... I think Bush and Chaney are a couple of dangerous assholes..

  9. "We're calling for the full six-week investigation. It's a serious investigation and the reason why this is critical is while maybe there's nothing wrong with this company, how do we know they're not infiltrated?" asked Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. "The United Arab Emirates has had people involved in terrorism. In fact, some of its financial institutions laundered the money for the (Sept, 11) terrorists. And to just blithely go ahead and treat this as another economic transaction is all wrong."


  10. Quote

    If the gov. stages another terrorist attack they will be able to do whatever the hell they want...

    The bible code people say March is the month for this "event". Bushes polls are dropping.. Major trouble in the White House. What better way to get the numbers back up and drum up more support to bomb Iran and Seria.. When we get hit hard this year and I do mean "WHEN" Bush will have a green light to do his dirty work.

    I hope nothing does happen but I think it's pretty much on our doorstep.

    Has anyone looked up "American Heroshima?"... Related to the suitcase nukes the Russians "lost"... Kind of gives credibility to the Feds monitoring Muslim sites in the US for radioactive material..

    I say monitor away..


  11. Quote

    what appear to be detonations

    They were detonations of some sort.. In higher res videos you can actually see a charge going off about 10 floors below the collapse all the way down. Not just a puff of smoke but flame.

  12. Quote

    Woohoo! As of summer next year it will be illegal to smoke in a pub, Club or restaurant anywhere in the UKCool And that is GREAT news! won't be long before all America follows I guessSmile

    It's about damned time.