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Posts posted by FallinWoman

  1. I don't think Simon's face was in reponse to the song. I think it was in response to the backup singer whose ass was hanging below the hemline of her dress.


    I'm a Doll!!!!

  2. I did not date anyone from the DZ.....


    I met my husband through dz.com. I knew before I met him that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. We met, dated, he moved in 6 months later....his daughter moved in six months after that.....finally two years after THAT we got married.....we have been together five and a half years total. Not too shabby for a couple hooked up by HH!


    I'm a Doll!!!!

  3. To be fair, that is a WAY oversimplified version of what happened. The girl hugged her friend and waswarned and reminded of the policy. Later that day, she hugged again. That earned her a detention. Then, directly in front of the assistant principal, she hugged someone else.

    I may not agree with the policy, but I disagree MORE with this child going out of her way to break the rules, even after being warned.

    There is a right way to deal with unfair policy, and a wrong way.


    I'm a Doll!!!!

  4. Here are two of our three cats.

    First: Tommy....he likes to sleep on our dishes. Kinda gross.

    Second: Ernie. He has seven toes on each of his front paws.


    I'm a Doll!!!!

  5. I do not know about Benedryl as a long term solution, but I would like to put my two cents in about Ambien.

    I started taking Ambien just about every night a few months ago. Shortly thereafter I became paranoid and quite panicky. When I finally put the two together ( I know, I am a little slow...) and stopped the Ambien, the paranoia and panic attacks stopped almost immediately.

    I will happily deal with no sleep as long as I am not paranoid and panicked all the time!


    I'm a Doll!!!!

  6. Joke from my childhood...
    Teller: "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
    Other: "To get to the other side?"
    Teller: "Nope, to get the Chinese newspaper. Do you get it?"
    Other: "Nope"
    Teller: "Neither do I, I get the Post-Dispatch (or insert local paper.)"

    I used to think that was hysterical.


    I'm a Doll!!!!

  7. My 14 year old, neutered male cat goes into my daughter's room, grabs a stuffed animal and drags it to the living room. There he proceeds to have what we call "dates," he humps the poor stuffed animals. For a while it was always a white cat stuffed animal, but lately he has been less picky. If we catch him doing this, he is usually howling and his penis is sticking out.


    I'm a Doll!!!!

  8. I strongly vote against the living room. Just not something I want in the room I spend the most time awake in.

    We currently have ours in an unused room. When we finally get around to finishing that room, the boxes will be moved to the laundry room.

    When I lived with a woman who was not crazy about cats, I had my own bathroom. I removed the doors from the vanity and put the box under the sink. That kept any smell or mess away from the roommate.


    I'm a Doll!!!!

  9. I have to chime in as a teacher and a scientist.

    There is no way you can learn as much about the systems of a frog or rat from passively watching some video as you can by seeing, touching, feeling, smelling.....

    As a student I gained a true appreciation for the amazing things my body can do by cutting open other creatures.

    As a teacher, I had my middle school science students dissect bananas, earthworms, planaria, and frogs. And I would do it again in a heartbeat.


    I'm a Doll!!!!

  10. Alpha Phi, Zeta Phi chapter, Theta pledge class, pledge 2.

    I went to MIT and met NO girls when I first got to campus. I decided to go through rush just to meet a few women. I ended up really enjoying hanging out with the Alpha Phis. Did not get the same vibe from the other sororities. Joined. Loved it. Best friend from MIT not an Alpha Phi.

    Transferred to a different school. They also had a chapter of Alpha Phi, so I joined in hopes of meeting people. It can be tough coming into a school as a junior. They were a bunch of snotty bitches, who not only looked down their noses at the other sororities, but looked down their noses at their "sisters". Only a part of that scene for a semester.

    I think the Greek experience (get your minds out of the gutter, I am talking fraternities and sororities) differs drastically from school to school. I did not buy my friends. I joined a support network of women, had a place to live, played IM sports, and got to spend some time doing good for others. Not a bad gig at MIT.


    I'm a Doll!!!!