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Dropzone Reviews posted by draiger

  1. Excited about how their website claims to cater to experienced jumpers, I showed up at 1 pm on a sunny Friday afternoon and the place was a ghost town. When I finally found someone, she told me they were done flying for the day. After telling her I was an experienced jumper, She explained that they occasionally allowed solo jumpers who have at least 250 jumps and a C licenses, if they had room on the plane. I enquired about their website and all the amnesties it offers, she told me I must be confused about what drop zone I was at. In conclusion, just don’t waste your time with these people and their dishonest wed site.

  2. I started jumping there last summer, when my old DZ lost its plane. I now drive right by my old DZ and drive an extra hour to jump at Start. The Landing area is a sod Farm! It's huge! The packing area is padded and super clean and the people are outstanding. Whatever you’re into, they have people there to jump with you. Thumbs up!