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Posts posted by pash

  1. In post #19:

    But "good" customer service would be to receive those widgets along with a coupon for 10% off my next order of widgets in excess of x$. Sometimes the offer is for free shipping.

    post #32:

    Want something for free? Where did I say that? Answer: Nowhere.

    post #32 again:

    Wow - I am amazed at the apparent lack of comprehensive abilities this thread has exposed.

    It occurs to me that the things you say are true, are really just things you want to be true.


  2. Quote

    The Comparative Advantage I remarked on in the other thread can be simply stated as: If a person doesn't feel what they are getting is worth what they are paying, they won't pay it.

    It seems you've gotten your hands on a first semester business book. I'll watch my step.


    I just don't understand why you're so concerned about my business and how I spend my time.

    Because I call bullshit on what you've claimed as the value of your time. You based the value of your time on your business billing rate. You may try, but you don't get to explain it away as something the hourly wagers wouldn't understand.

    You aren't the brightest businessperson in the room.

    An individual that attempts to burn a company publicly over a perceived slight is fundamentally lacking in the ability to see the big picture.

    If you haven't even been able to successfully negotiate a "thank you" I'm not sure you're qualified to preach about business.

    It's really a shame because your whole house was built on you knowing more about business than the next guy.


  3. Quote


    You haven't heard me bitch violently or otherwise. I did give an honest and unemotional accounting of an experience with P-G.

    Since you haven't seemed to follow the other thread, let me give a quick recap.

    I am in NY. P-G is in IL. I ordered with door-to-door delivery. I want convenience and I paid for it. Similarly, I want the same convenience with any subsequent tx.

    But that's not what the other OP was about.

    Dearest likestojump:

    What do I consider great customer service?

    Not service that is as it should be, nor the same with a smile. I consider great customer service getting all that plus whatever else, if and when necessary, that the customer is not burdened by the tx.

    Just the other day my pharmacist gave me the wrong Rx. When I opened the bag and learned of the mistake, I called them and it seemed that before I could offer to bring the other person's Rx back they had someone on the way to my house to exchange the bottles.

    That is an example of what I consider to be excellent customer service.

    With all of your multi-tasking, you got your replies in reverse order. You've confused likestojump and pash. (you can call me by my real name, Jason, however).

    I know this is only a small error on your part, but I feel inconvenienced by it. I had to copy and paste and point you to your own mistake. All that took time. My time.

    I am only hopeful that the distraction doesn't cause you to make similar mistakes in your actual work while you are "multi-tasking." For I acknowledge that it is your opinion that your clients get their money's worth, but, well... how did you say it? You said, "Opinions and assholes."

    Quit making an opinion of yourself.


  4. Quote

    You ordered something (online?), received it and it was correct and correctly billed.

    Where is the customer service there? You're describing order processing, accounts receivables and shipping. With no personal contact.

    Excerpt from Wikipedia definition:
    "Customer service may be provided by a person (e.g., sales and service representative), or by automated means called self-service."

    for your review:


  5. Quote

    But I had to laugh at crazydiver's cost analysis. Were I to back-charge for a reasonably average hourly rate, for the 3/4 hour I will spend returning the package, I will bill 24 times the $9 you would earn for that time.

    (0.75)*hour = $(9*24)
    hour = $288.00

    assume a 30hr week to remain conservative...
    288*30 = 8640 per week

    assume you take half a year of vacation to remain conservative...
    8640*26 = 224,640 per year

    Maybe you have your own company. And maybe somehow calculated your total cash in per hour, it still isn't YOUR time. You are not the company, even if you are the owner.

    If I'm wrong, and your time truly is this valuable, it would not be in your interest to post here. Therefore, I am convinced that your time is NOT this valuable.


  6. Quote

    #1 Worst-Case: They would tell me to just keep the spool, which is useless to me. I can’t use this much Type VIII!

    #2 Neutral-Case: What happened.

    #3 Best-Case: What happened, with a small gesture of consideration and gratitude.

    I know I already responded once, but this particular point nagged at me. The title should have been "Para-Gear: Neutral Customer Service."


  7. Quote

    classic example of a dorkzoner. Arguing about insignificant events that are mainly out of your control, and treating it like it's the #1 danger we face and can control.

    What is the number 1 danger in skydiving?

    How many dangers do you consider?

    Do you address dangers in terms of the probability that they happen, or the consequences of them happening?

    Do you catergorize striking an object in freefall by it's type, i.e. "striking a plane = danger #100" but "striking a skydiver tracking in the opposite direction = danger #95, or maybe #2.."?

    Is it valid to just lump mid-air collisions with anything under a category of shit to avoid?

    Should someone stop considering dangers that years of experience have taught them to consider simply because someone called them a dorkzoner?

    Maybe what he was commenting on was your attitude. Maybe not.


  8. Quote

    The last thing she said to me was, “And I’m sorry about this”,


    Showing consideration for a customer goes a long way. That's the takeaway, folks.


    You know, when I opened this thread, I expected to see a real example of POOR customer service. I feel a little disappointed that the content did not live up to the title. Don't you care about fulfilling the expectation that your title set? I would like to speak with your supervisor. Other people may have liked your thread, but I've received PM's from some disappointed readers..

  9. I am selling my jumpsuit and posted an ad here on I would like to know if anyone can vouch for username Radek in Poland before I ship this thing out.

    Thanks for any feedback, and blue skies to you all.


  10. I can't find that quote on google or anywhere :ph34r:

    i give up!!

    Here's a short dialogue:
    "I want to put my tube steak in your sister, what do you want in trade?"

    "what do you got?"

  11. I voted "other" because my favorite are the NSFW threads. NSFW threads are also my least favorite. I like looking at pictures of monkeys and Homer Simpson only to realize it's not a monkey or Homer Simpson I'm looking at.

    But I hate opening a link to find video of a guy doing to himself what some guys can never convince a girl to let that guy do with her.

    my other favorite threads are the ones I don't kill.

    xo jason

  12. 2005 Toyota Prius... I race mall-walkers for pinkslips... it's the first AND ONLY new car I've ever owned or will own. After 2yrs it's still fun... It has a 8yr / 100,000 mile warranty but I'm sure the $1.2 million dollar synergy drive will need replacing at 100,100.01 miles.

    It was really between that and the new model Mustang - that's a hot car.

    One day, I'd really like an old Porsche 911 to take care of.


  13. I would say that, in general, I am anti-union. I work in sales in the telecommunications industry and worked through a Verizon strike several years back. Our business slowed.

    However, I believe that when unions were created, it was due to children being used for labor and employees having limbs amputated due to machinery and bad working conditions.

    I would support a skydiving union if there isn't one already... I don't think most people looking to getting into skydiving are dettered only or primarily by cost. Increasing the cost to the consumer to support the backbone of the skydiving industry would be wholehearteadly acceptable by me.

    And by union I don't mean "pain in the ass union." I would just agree with added personal security for one of the riskiest jobs on the planet. Don't airborne soldiers make more jumping from planes than when they're not?


  14. That the act of living life to its fullest, 60 seconds at a time means the inevitable narrowing of everthing therein. I was able to make friends more quickly. Tell someone I loved them within days of meeting them - and mean it. To laugh from my heart, like I never have before or ever will again. To feel like a child again and be a good student. To learn that just because you've separated yourself from mainstream society doesn't mean that you can't have a panic attack in a business meeting.

    That you may well spend the rest of your life wondering how you could ever get to the point of smiling at terminal velocity, only to wonder how dealing with other unknowns in life are not, in any way, aided by skydiving.

    how someone could sleep - fully sleep, while their jean shorts are being cut off and peanut butter is applied to their balls, while Marley licks it all off (tentatively yet with an appetite) - at 10am in the morning with students mainfesting and wuffos pulling into the parking lot.

    How some could see this as bad, and how some could see this as good. I don't get skydiving and it haunts me. Well at least it's a good story...


    ps - it has taught me that no matter what is going on in life, there is always something more important. pull and love life.

  15. Quote

    It can be *transferred* from partner to partner, either 1 or 2 but transferrence requires an open cut of some kind because it's transferred by present virus into bloodstream.

    I think this is the part you are referring to. I have to take this back after reading it. I have not read that it needs to actually get into the bloodstream. What I have heard is that it is easier to transmit if there is a "open" pathway into the body - such as a cut or nick.

    sorry about that - Jason

  16. Quote

    I thought either type typically stayed near the place where it was initially contracted.

    This may be the case - it's been some years. My understanding was that each strain had a "preferred" home and although the initial site of infection does not have to be specific to the normal type, recurring infections had a tendancy to appear in the region common to the type.

    I do know that we aren't talking EXACT location as outbreaks can happen in a general area rather than exactly at the original site of infection.


  17. the info I posted comes from research done about 8yrs ago. Mostl stuff on the internet. I don't remember the exact location but someone did post something a couple threads down with a good link.


  18. Quote

    Type I can be transferred as type 2, orally. So if you start to feel a cold sore coming on.. dont go down there.

    It can be *transferred* from partner to partner, either 1 or 2 but transferrence requires an open cut of some kind because it's transferred by present virus into bloodstream.

    Let us use this example.
    Partner A = cold sore (non-genital herpes)
    Partner B = bad credit but no STD's

    If partner A is granted permission to go down on partner B.... and partner B, in an attempt to attract the opposite sex, (or same sex - geez don't get on my case)... shaved the goodies and caused a slight nick on the skin (VERY COMMON), it is possible for partner A to give partner B HSV1. Initially it may appear as an infection down under (sorry dino) but the recurrances will generally happen orally. and vica versa... if the sweet uglies happen to have HSV2, and you decide to whisper sweet nothings up close and personal, yes, you could get it orally. BUT, commonly, the recurrances will appear down under.

    i'm going to stop proclaiming to be some sort of expert right about now. :)


    edited to add:
    HSV1 feels most at home at the base of the brain. That's its command center

    HSV2 feels most at home at the base of the spine.

  19. Quote

    You have to specifically ask for a herpes blood test to get tested, same thing with the HIV test on campus.

    and even then, to determine type I vs. type II you have to get a "western blot" which is some type specific serogenic test. That's not something normally offered and something one would have to specifically request. That tells you if it happens to be genital or oral. Funny that overall it is the same thing but to some it makes all the difference.

    Hard to say whether I'd rather have my badge on my face for all to see, or down there, where my whole life, i've been trying to get more people to see.
