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Everything posted by rustyrahe

  1. From the Northern Muff Brothers Written January 21, 2007 yahoo muff muff muff hey assholes, yesterday my best asshole friend went to that big ear muff store in the sky... johnny gates was certainly like no other person or skydiver... the grin forever attached to his well worn face just had to make you smile and even on a bad day he was filled with compassion...just last night about 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning i thought i should e-mail him since i didn't get a chance to say goodbye at bridge day... if you are wondering why i am writing one long sentence with no capitol letters, it is in johnny's memory for that is the way he wrote to me and others i know...i know johhny didn't start the muff brothers and he was always the first to tell you who did, but as far as i'm concerned and as most know, their wouldn't be a muff brothers or at least the thousands who are members if it wasn't for johnny gates...the who's who of muff brothers is quite astounding in our little world of skydiving, of which johnny initiated most. for years i have thought of johnny almost daily because a part of his creed is my password on many of my computer forums...he and i initiated my wife on her first jump(tandem), last year along with arron stocum (friend and tandem master) and tony hathaway on camera, a memory that will forever live in our hearts...johnny was a big part of the last few goodtime boogie's and even when i couldn't offer him much he paid his own way just to be a part of the fun...i have so much more to say about a man who along with jerry bird, bob gates and others kept me in skydiving when i thought i no longer wanted to be a part of it, yet i hope all of you will share your stories of johhny and your initiation with me so that i can compile into some sort of organized muff brother mess to print and send out. please forward this to your e-mail lists because mine is in need of much updating. i don't know if johhny was a religious kind of guy, but his attitude certainly was one of generosity and love, you can be sure he will be trying to initiate the big guy in the sky the first chance he gets...goodbye for now my friend... i leave you with the message he always finished his e-mails with... "hope to see you soon maybe rantouul or zhill,s if you get the chance till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny" AT 4:20 TODAY AND EVERYDAY RAISE YOUR MIDDLE FINGER AND SHOUT MUFF MUFF MUFF! ASSHOLE #2417 RUSTY RAHE