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  1. Is it from a personal experience or just an asumption?
  2. peregrinerose ,nate_1979: how long after the injury were u able to start skydiving again...? To be clear: I understand that every case is unique. I have turned for medical advice about my situation in the past and I am planning to seek even more medical advices before I will get back into the sport. I am asking out of pure curiosity. Thank you. Eugene.
  3. Point your toes out... in fact combine this first with the exercise that flyangel2 suggested... forcing your toes to point out will help your legs state awareness and maintain a better control of them, hence stabilizing in freefall.
  4. Yes of course, although I think a doctor will have a difficult time understanding the reason for my concern (if that guy is crazy enough to jump of a perfectly good plane, i cant help him ). I was actually hoping to get some feedback from skydivers who experienced the same sitauation.
  5. Hi, About a month ago I was in an accident (not skydiving related), I had a concussion. Although I planned to jump this winter, for obvious reasons those plans will not be implemented. However I am wondering if by the time the summer comes and I will feel fine would it be safe for me to jump?! My main concern is the opening. Thank you.
  6. I am not in college anymore, but I started skydiving when I was still a student. By the way Florida state University has a skydiving club and they jump at skydive Tallahassee, they got their own gear and if i am not mistaken 60$ will make u a member and will let you use their gear. p.s. I wish we had something similar in Toronto :))
  7. I recently purchased a used helmet, need to make it bigger. I heard that some people "bake" their headgear in the oven. Can someone elaborate on this one plz... Thank you , I appreciate any input on the subj.
  8. I really hate to post offtopic here It's great to find out that there are many russian spekaing skydivers in North America. Myself being one as well. I am fairly new to the sport of skydiving but I am learning and loving it!!! . A crazy idea ran through my mind that perhaps we should meet up and organize a samll "russian" boogie one day. Blue Skies to everyone!!!! :) offtopic ends here.