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Everything posted by illusions

  1. Thank you both, Ron & happythoughts, for letting me know my dad is not forgotten. I'm the youngest of his 3 girls. We bought beer for the DZ on behalf of dad, b/c we figured he owed was his 1st bounce. His memorial jump the following wkend was awesome & it meant a lot to our family. Your words made me smile & laugh...describing my dad perfectly! I think even his muffs were adorned w/ cigars. (In fact, my sisters & I put dad in the humidor we bought him for his 50th birthday.) Berries, yes, but I don't remember him making wine out of onions while I helped bottle & cork the wine. I know dad enjoyed the letters & etc he received from the DZ crew while he was at "camp" (that's what we called it). I think I still have the picture of dark afro dad. He bought me a drink for my 21st birthday, even though he was still in mailed me a winning soda cap for a free drink (but no alcohol included). He always made the best of everything & learned to work the system...whatever that may be. Life is not a dress rehearsal. Semper Fi
  2. "Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't." - Richard Bach, Illusions - Do you know Jack Sh*t?! I'm just looking for folklore about my dad, Jack Larrison, whose home DZ is/was Z-Hills...when he began the biggest adventure of all in 1999. Semper Fi