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Posts posted by GTAVercetti

  1. RonD1120

    You are not aware of my life situation and I am not going to share it here. It is too personal and painful.

    You are right. I do not.

    I am just going on how you post. You seem to just be incredibly intolerant of anything that does not fit your view to a T. You have never adapted to anything.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  2. RonD1120


    if you had this attitude while you were there, then you did not really adapt. you tolerated. I can bet people sensed that; that you were just barely tolerating all their "evil" progressiveness and then so they were not as nice as they might have been. Which then fed into your fears and hatred, which then fed into their attitude and so on.

    The perfect feedback loop.

    well, I kept finding work and getting promoted.

    Not the point. My point is that you did NOT adapt. You kept all that shit and fear and hatred right inside you. I have yet to see where you have actually tried to understand anyone who might not follow your beliefs.

    But to your point. You could have left. At anytime. Getting promoted is not a reason to take 30 years of pain. Unless you WANTED the pain. Or you enjoyed causing trouble by being angry around people.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  3. RonD1120

    ***Did you really though? Did you change anything about yourself or did you just stay the same and change location? Because adaptation is adjustment to new conditions.

    Seems more like you adopted a defensive stance and ran away rather than adapt to the situation at hand.

    I was forced to live in that progressive/liberal cesspool for 30 years. Life's circumstance would not let me leave. I adapted to it, hated it but survived. It did not kill me. It made me stronger. Then I escaped.

    if you had this attitude while you were there, then you did not really adapt. you tolerated. I can bet people sensed that; that you were just barely tolerating all their "evil" progressiveness and then so they were not as nice as they might have been. Which then fed into your fears and hatred, which then fed into their attitude and so on.

    The perfect feedback loop.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  4. Did you really though? Did you change anything about yourself or did you just stay the same and change location? Because adaptation is adjustment to new conditions.

    Seems more like you adopted a defensive stance and ran away rather than adapt to the situation at hand.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  5. RonD1120

    That is what I was saying. It is different now. We used to welcome older jumpers and veterans. We would talk to them because they went before us and experienced the initial problems. We felt like they had something worth sharing and we could learn.

    No more. Now you have a app for that.

    And did you go up to anyone and say hello to them? Why did you put the onus on them to immediately jump up and say hello just because you were wearing patches? I have been at my DZ since 2003. Very few of our members (especially as we are not a small DZ and there are often a lot of people there) would just go up to a random person wearing skydiving patches and say hello. Especially if it were a busy day. Now, if that person were jumping or gave a warm feeling or approached them, they would be friendly as hell. If that person were say standing beside them and they noticed logos, patches, etc. ESPECIALLY if they were actually jumping.

    I know you WANT things to be the way they were. But that is just not how time works. Everyone wants "the good old days." They never EVER come back. You can gripe about it, or you can adapt.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  6. rehmwa

    ***Years later, still one of my favorite posters.

    Sure, abandon the crowd for a long time and then poke in here during a contentious election........just for the entertainment

    You'll see little has changed - everyone is being assholes to each other (except for Wendy, she's smarter and nicer than everyone, period, no exceptions....nuff said :ph34r:), no minds have changed. mockery and shenanigans galore for those not light of spine.

    VERY good to see you here

    I know how to pick my timing.

    Dropped in to put a canopy up in the classifieds and got sucked right back in.

    Some people have changed, but the obstinance has not. B|
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  7. RonD1120


    When was the last time you were on a DZ? Or by "on the DZ" do you mean here? Either way, ridiculously untrue. Have you been taking lessons from The Donald?

    Here, the last time I was on a DZ was a PGR mission last fall. My motorcycle vest is adorned with parachuting wings, emblems etc. Not one person there bothered to even say hello or ask about my jumping experience.

    Not a big deal, I was not there for me but for the fallen hero.

    Yeah, I felt out of place just by the vibe, no words spoken.

    If you exude any sort of similarity in how you carry yourself in RL as you do here, I can see why no one wanted to talk to you. Maybe they could sense the fear and paranoia.

    Also, people tend to talk to those who are jumping at a DZ, at least in my experience. Not just people wearing patches.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  8. rehmwa

    ***There is a good reason for that. When you quote scripture it is nearly meaningless.

    It may or may not be meaningful, problem for me is when the quoting starts, my ears just shut off

    For me it's threefold:

    1 - I'm agnostic, so quoting scripture does about as much for me as when some douche says "nuff said" or some other platitude. Only if the actual words of the scripture apply in a clever way would it matter - but I'm guilty of just ignoring it because it is just quoting something - see 2 below

    2 - resorting to quoting something also weakens another's argument with me. quoting music lyrics (arrggh), scriptures, etc etc etc - indicates (to me) that the person doesn't understand their positions strongly enough to use their own words and they are a follower, rather than a thinker. YMMV (I know there is disagreement here for some - no issue, this is how I see it)

    3 - Typically when someone is quoting scripture, it only reinforces their argument with people that already agree with them. So I end up just assuming that they aren't interested in debate and discussion, rather they are just interested in self-reinforcement. Of course, this is likely true of most discussion gambits, not just scripture, lots of just regurgitating what one thinks their friends will nod seriously at.....

    I might be unfair in these assessments, but it's the way I take it.

    Years later, still one of my favorite posters.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  9. jgoose71

    Two small differences that might make all the difference in the world to some. To people that have extremely warped senses of Moral Equivalency, not so much.

    Difference number 1: One group would much rather do it at the ballot box, where as the other group would much rather do it by the use of terror.

    Difference number 2: One group is fighting to keep personal freedoms and not really caring what the rest of the world does, while the other group is fighting to oppress and enslave the world.

    Once again, there are people out there that wants to define group number one as the moral equivalent of group number 2, but these people are also trying to shut down free speech so they can say who/what group number 1 is so they can control them.

    She said violent means. As in "overthrow the government" not vote leaders out.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  10. turtlespeed

    I may have been a bit loose with my words - but close enough. It was meant as a designator - which - when I look it up in the thesaurus - I'm correct.

    Yes, my neogrammer nazi, it is on the line - but you know what I meant.

    Now - can you comment on the subject - or - yeah - you got nuthin'.:)

    Dude. Your "logic" is incredibly hard to follow. How is asking about Miami a designator? It is a mark of what? It signifies what?

    Are you saying that if I walk down Miami streets at night and I THINK someone might attack me, I should attack them first?

    Because that is what Trump said to his supporters.

    If that is true, you must go to jail a lot.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  11. jakee



    No - Not encouraging. Defending, yes

    Trump was defending the violent acts of his supporters before they committed them? How did he know?

    It's pretty easy.
    You attend a rally - see what happens - respond to what happens - expect that to happen in the next rally - and repeat.

    Except he was waxing lyrical about how great it would be if his supporters thumped people before anyone was thumped. So how is that 'defending'?


    This was much more succinct than my rant. Let's go with this. :)
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  12. Luckily, I never Godwin'd anything then. Whew.

    MANY, not all, of Trump supporters are xenophobic, not just concerned.

    A xenophobe doesn't JUST worries about security. That is kind of the definition of xenophobia. Trump supporters (and Cruz) often display xenophobia, not concern. An absolutely paranoid and irrational fear of anything outside of the country.

    Have you ever BEEN to a freeper board? Or the comments of any article about, even tangentially, muslims?

    Those commenters are not just worried about security. They actively hate. Couple that with people I have actually met who actively hate and I feel that I can safely come to a conclusion that this applies to enough Trump supporters to validate my statement.

    Certainly there are those who are JUST worried about security. But those people are not supporting Trump in nearly the same numbers. Because those people are reasonable and know the things Trump wants to do range from insane to improbable.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  13. turtlespeed



    No - Not encouraging. Defending, yes

    Trump was defending the violent acts of his supporters before they committed them? How did he know?

    It's pretty easy.
    You attend a rally - see what happens - respond to what happens - expect that to happen in the next rally - and repeat.

    There would be no story - if there was no one to bring the media attention to it.

    Joe Pesci, help me.

    Preemptive attacks are NOT FUCKING DEFENSE.

    I don't care if it happened at another rally. That does not mean you start throwing punches "just in case." Trump fucking TOLD his supported to attack someone if they were going to THROW A TOMATO.

    Your idea of adequate response to situations is terrible.

    The fact that a presidential candidate goes around telling people to hit others should be appalling to you. Especially because he certainly does not ever sound like "hey guys, you should stick up for yourselves." No, his tone and words are much more like "Hey, that fucking guy? I hate him. He disgusts me. I certainly would not be mad if someone hit him."

    I can't see how you could watch him say these things and ever think he just wants people to defend themselves.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  14. Coreeece

    ***> I was speaking to the hypocrisy of those that admittedly are scared shitless of Tump
    >and/or his supporters

    Who is "scared shitless" exactly?

    GTAV: "scares the shit out of me"

    Wolfriverjoe: "it scares the living shit out of me"

    SkyDekker only said that it's "scary" - apparently he hasn't shit yet, so he still might be full of it.

    If you can take what I thought was a clearly hyperbolic statement that he scares the shit out of me (I mean, do you REALLY think I pooped myself over it?) and equate that to people who hate all Muslims and can be SEEN posting online about how they should be murdered, nuked, or killed, well...

    I really don't know how to respond. It is so unrelated as to be impossible to correlate in my mind.

    Scared of a possibly destructive presidency vs hatred of a whole people.

    I can't even.

    I wrote about a whole bunch of stuff after this. I erase it because, what is the point? Nothing I say will convince you of anything. There is no debate to be had here.

    Par for course for SC I know, but occasionally a fun debate slips through.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  15. gowlerk

    ***He wounded me.

    Sigh.....dontcha know, right after he says "I know you are, but what am I?" you just need to say "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me".

    That will take away your hurt even better than "back at you". But don't let the teacher or the hall monitor hear any of this stuff.

    It is too late. He outsmarted me.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  16. rushmc



    Oh such a display of arrogance......

    I have always loved how condescendingly sure of yourself you are, even when facts are on display.

    It amuses me to no end.


    Point me out where a fact has been shown and I have refused to believe it. A fact. Not a feeling, idea, or inference.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  17. turtlespeed



    Unless you can prove that Trump encouraged the to start violence - then. . . . It doesn't.

    I would say that's already been done - many times over.

    He encouraged relation, not starting violence.

    I am going to go with that you meant 'retaliation' and not that they should go have relations with the protestor.

    But you are saying this:

    “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise."

    is not STARTING violence. Hit them before anything happens?

    Aside from that, why is retaliation a good thing? If these protestors are "thugs" as everyone keeps saying here, why would having your commander tell you to act just as thuggish be a good response?

    The ONLY proper response from Trump should have been "Security, please remove the disturbance" not encouraging retaliatory violence.

    If violence is your first response, I begin to doubt your ability to handle larger and more important situations.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  18. Stumpy

    You know I have just come back in here, but I have a feeling you have posted this sort of thing numerous times.

    And I bet on every occasion, it has fallen on deaf ears. No, not even deaf ears. Ears that have been cut off, and canals that have been filled with cement.

    FWIW - I think a couple of the people you are referring to genuinely aren't smart enough to understand their own arguments, let alone anyone else's.

    No doubt.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  19. billvon

    >Unless you can prove that Trump encouraged the to start violence - then. . . . It doesn't.

    Trump quotes:
    " . . .and the audience hit back. That’s what we need a little bit more of.”

    “Maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.”

    “I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself, or if other people will.”

    “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise."

    Will he pay the legal fees of the man who sucker-punched a protester? “I’ve actually instructed my people to look into it, yes.”

    You know I have just come back in here, but I have a feeling you have posted this sort of thing numerous times.

    And I bet on every occasion, it has fallen on deaf ears. No, not even deaf ears. Ears that have been cut off, and canals that have been filled with cement.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  20. turtlespeed

    The way I see it Trump will be heavily controlled by everyone in all branches of the government.

    Hillary knows how to circumvent that and do underhanded shit that can and will be of detriment to the country.

    Trump just last the political understanding of how to do that.

    Thus, he is the safer choice - but Yes - I would still choose Bernie than trump.

    I am not willing to take that gamble. Imagine Trump as a angry badger. Sure, all the wildlife handlers say, "Don't worry, we got this." And 9 times out of 10, they do.

    Until they don't.

    And then that angry badger fucks shit up. Yeah, it is one time, but that one time eats your chickens, kills your dog, bites your neighbor, and fucks your sister.


    I think I lost track of that analogy.

    Oh well. Point stands.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

  21. Coreeece

    ***The fact that so many people find him even remotely a good choice scares the shit out of me.

    Ya, that's the common theme lately - scared shitless.

    People are scared shitless of Islamic extremists, yet the same people that share your fear of Trump supporters, call them paranoid and xenophobic.

    Islamic extremists have killed thousands of us in a single day. There have been major attacks here in the U.S and abroad, along with dozens of foiled attacks over the years. Yet Trump supporters haven't killed anyone - just some highly publicized fisticuffs between the emotionally retarded on both sides.

    Ok. I don't know why you are equating my fear of a president like Trump with fear of terrorists. That may be a reason many of his believers like him, but the two don't equate.

    Unless you somehow think Trump will make us safer? And so my fears are not justified but theirs are?

    I guess?

    Because I certainly don't think he will do ANYTHING to make us more secure, prosperous, or stronger.
    Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.