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Posts posted by skybill

  1. Hi Zone,
    Unless they (the FAA) have changed their procedures, they do NOT issue a "Temporary" license # when a person passes a rigers test. All the info has to go to Oklahouma City FAA center office (unless they have moved it!!!!), there it gets processed and the rigger gets his license# on one of those official grey cards sent thru the SNAIL MAIL. The local GADO or FSDO does issue seal symbols though. So, you pass your test, get your seal symbol and sign pending to your pak jobs. BTW, you just got your ticket so now you have to send off for a riggers seal press (They have to be engraved so this takes time) meanwhile you squeeze your seals with flat pliers and scratch your seal symbol on them with a sharp needle or the like!!!! Is everybody good and scared now!!!

    I like the way everyone is wierding out over all this stuff. They need to go soak their socks in gasoline!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  2. Hi 321,
    The guy probably just got his ticket; however, that does not mean that you are a "guinea pig!" Granted the guy may be a "new" rigger but that should mean that he's on top of all the new stuff out there. As for the "pending," the FAA can use your Social Security # for your license # or you can request a "separate" license#. The latter is the better idea as you don't have to sign your soc. sec. # to all your work!! There's enough identity theft out there. The new license # has to be processed by the FAA (remember, it's a bureaucracy!)and you will get it by SNAIL MAIL!!!!!!!!!!! So, that can take weeks!!!! Mine did!!!!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  3. Hi Teas.,
    "Why yes I happen to Skydive too!!!!" :ph34r::D:D:D:D:D:D:D Guys like that come out of the woodwork now and then and are good for comic relief between my second and third beer. If you play your cards right, you can get them to buy a few cases!!

    Even with logs and a current USPA card someone can try to pull a fast one. A couple of years ago "some guy" showed up at Scare-us-valley wanting to get back into jumping after a considerable layoff. We were talkin' out in front of manifest and he says his last jumps were on a P.C./Super Pro/belly wart and he wanted to try a piggy-back with a throw-out. Didn't see him again till the next weekend. Well, to make a long story short, he made a crater out past the North end of the runway about a half a mile up, next to the road. From what I heard, his mind set was still on his Superpro as at pull time (I don't know how much ground practice he had with his NEW gear??) he pulled the cutaway handle!! (Same place as main ripcord on a Super Pro!) Well, what ever he did next didn't work too well because he ran out of brains, altitude and ideas about the same time. As it turned out, (apres' crater) there was some ??? as to the authenticity of his logs!!!!!

    So, Teas., you did good by sending this guy on his way. Well, maybe he could have hung around till BEER:30 and bought a few cases! :D:D:D
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  4. Hi Tony!,
    Remember? Hell, how can I forget!! 57Ugly fire, then Ben shut the place down!!, nearest place to jump was Cal City!!! then someone(S) I don't know who started it but the PVSS thing evolved and the rest is history. BTW got the sticker,"Skydiving's HOTTER at Perris."

    All that was just 19 years ago!! Time Flys!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  5. Hi Chasing,
    Yep' them HUGE ASS BEERS are the thing!! As for Hurricanes a Pat O's, be careful ya' don't resemble a "Yankeetourist" or a "Carpetbagger" or they'll water 'em down even more for ya'!!!!

    For a good DIY Hurricane, stop at any grocery in New Orleans and get a jug or two of Pat O's Hurricane cocktail mix and a couple of jugs of good Dark Rum. Mix equal parts of the rum and the mix, pour over ice, add garnish and enjoy.

    "Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler!!!!!"
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  6. Hi Spence,
    Go to the Hist & Trivia forum to the 'Start of "Boogie" thread by jtval (at this point it's on the 3rd page) and scroll down a couple of replys to the one by "cpoxon" that tells it all. Blame it on "Tag."
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  7. Hi Deuce,
    Considering I graduated from high school Class of '63, yes I remember typewriters!! Had one or two back when. It's kinda' like learning to jump on round parachutes. They were OK but the new ones run circles around the old ones.

    Do some digging on the net or your local Library and find a copy of,"The lives and times of Archie the Cockroach and Mehitabel the cat" by Don Marquis published I think in the 1920's. It will put typewriters in a whole new perspective for you.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  8. Hi Gemi,
    What the he2xl do you mean like, "Off DZ????????" I was directly over the center of the earth!!!

    Just remember, when you're doin' RW, the whole world is your dropzone!!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  9. Hi 03,
    'Been asked a couple of times like why don't I have my tongue pierced? Well, I have "Crowns" and "overlay's" on every major molar in my head!!!! Enough is enough!! 'Been stuck in the jaw with that 6 inch novacane needle and drilled on till I'm vibrating like a buzz saw!! I like just being able to chew burgers and drink beer like regular. You can have all that fancy stuff!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  10. Hi Weege,
    Got 4 cats now. Fuzzy 15, Angle Food McSpade 10, Lucky 5, and Jethro 3. 'Don't clip any of their nails. That's why we have a scratching post inside and trees outside. They scratch up a storm and that pulls off the old growth claws and expposes the new ones.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  11. Hi 10270,

    I concur and 10-4. You covered all the bases pretty good. AAD's, cute little devices, what would we do with out them?

    Knowing how to turn an AAD on or off is a good idea. Further more, knowing that frequent on/off activations severly drains the battery is just as important as well as just being well versed in your AAD's operation.

    Just remember that even "with" an AAD, Skydiving is still a Dirty, Rotten, Dangerous JOB!!!

    "Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler!!"
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  12. Hi Jen,
    Jim hit the nail on the head, sounds like this guy is a major control freak! Best way to deal with him is a lot of distance, about 12,500 feet straight up is just about right!!:ph34r::D

    It's hard to tell post mortum why he (the dude that cutaway low) made the decision he did? He "may" have thought he was higher than he was but he ain't talkin'.

    People like your friend who have such a negative attitude twords skydiving are usually just trying to affirm their own FEAR!! Cool, it's "their" fear, they have to deal with it. This guy is not the first negative person who will confront you in this sport and he sure as hell wont be the last. They are everywhere!

    Have fun on your next Skydive!

    "Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler!!"
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  13. Hi Canuck,
    Read your post and the replys, that's wild! Like Mr. DH needs to replace the corn cob he has hiding in a very dark place as it obviously from his demeanor indicates that it is irritating him!!!

    If lets say you start the jump run a mile or two out, and you're doing a hop and pop and you start at 3K way out and over the spot you're at 3.5K, big deal!! That is if the pilot maintains his regular climb!! Why level off for a couple of miles on the way to altitude for a solo drop? It wastes fuel. If you want a hop and pop and you get extra altitude, who's bitching?? Did this yokel pilot cut the engine and level off when he turned on the green light??
    With the co$t of A/C ops. these days, low exits have generally been on a climbing jump run. I always thought that when the green light comes on you "Check the spot!" It wasn't too many years ago we didn't have GPS's and we had to spot.....5RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!....CUT!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  14. Hi Lin,
    Crochetting-- the tedious job of taking a long piece of string and daisy chaining it into some geometric spiderweb like pattern. Who does it really doesn't matter. If they want to take the time, and I mean time, to do it, go nuts.

    My late aunt did it a lot, made table covers and you name it. She even did an alter cloth for the church.

    An interesting opposite side of the coin might be a group of girls that took up building and flying balsa wood model airplanes. As many times as I've been around model airplane flying activities, the participation factor by females has been about nill.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  15. Hi Sky,
    Whatz' with this can't buy BEER in Indian River Cty. crap!!!!!!!!!!???????????/ Sounds even worse than up here in Sampson cty. NC, thank God it's only on Sunday though!! (you can still get beer in Clinton at the Wally-World!!) Guess you'll have to make a "Beer Run" to keep your sanity!!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  16. Hi Curley,
    Well, without digging thru all my log books, here goes..................!
    Cessna 170, 172, 175, 180, 182, 195, 205,206, Caravan. Porter,
    BEECH 18,King Air, Queen Air, Lockheed 10E, Loadstall.
    Aeronca Sedan, Piper Cherokee 6, Douglas DC-3, DC-4.Navy R4-D, Consolidated Vultee Catalina aka (dumbo),
    Howard DGA-15. "The Norse-Pig", Arava, Helio Stalion
    DeHavelin Twin Otter, Caribou, Fairchild 71, SkyVan, Casa 212, "The Bodacious ThunderChicken" a Stinson 'Reliant',
    As for helo's, Bell huy214, UH-1, CH-46, "The Screaming MEEMEE!!"-that pink thing!
    Oh yes, Hot Air Balloon.
    Can't think of any others off hand.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  17. Hey olio,
    Ya'left out M&M's with peanuts!! Ya' got M&M's plain, crispy, peanut butter and almonds but ya' didn't post the "Peanut!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Gotta have M&M's with peanuts and BEER---my favorite junk food!!!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  18. Hi Lady,
    Don't you just love these little tidbits of info, notes, etc. that won't go away and people say,"because it's always been done that way!!" I love it, "Tribal Knowledge!!" I love trying to analyze a drawing done by some engineer who left the company 30 years ago!! We're going to build this "Widget" to the print!! (Right!) So what did Charlie mean by this change note scribbled in red here next to the oscillating rotostat?? Donno, go ask Fred?

    Probably the best way to deal with that type of situation is to be the "Creator" of the information and you control it. Trying to deal with hand me down Tribal knowledge with no access to the source is so much fun!!! BTDD
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  19. Hi Vap,
    Sorry to jump off your band wagon but,"none of the above!" I get all my gear thru DZ-1 Enterprises. That's ME!! I do my own rigging, have a singer 31-17, lotsa thread, a bunch of material and away I go. Store bought suits are fine, but I make mine.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  20. Hi Brick,
    Yea'!!! More members of the "High Speed Meat Missiles!!!! I have some aluminized nomex fabric we can sew on the boundary layer of our jumpsuits and rigs so we don't burn up when we hit mach III !!!
    'Makes cool grippers too!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680
