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Posts posted by panavision

  1. I'll be in Bucarest to do a commercial from 1/7 to 10/7.
    I must bring one rig, two rigs or nothing?
    Any info, contact or locals are very appreciated, as soon as possible. i have the ticket tomorrow!

  2. I have find something very cool on the sea...
    I would know advices from experienced jumpers on which type of procedures they use before the splashlanding anf if they use some items to protect the hardware and the fabric of the rig from the salt.
    Thank you.

  3. I am thinking about this. I have two pilot chute of the same size, 46inch (same manifacture), but one have an internal handle. So the weight is relatively different (cordura cap to cover the handle, handle,..).
    I am thinking about the difference of behavior, due to the different weight, in several stage of the deployment (same delay): 1) Difference in Speed of Bridle Extension 2)Difference in Pilot Chute Inflatation 3) Difference in Pilot Chute Drag
    Other differences could be there........

    What do you think about it?

  4. Somebody jumps with an utilty waist? I am searching but nothing pretty good seems appear.
    I need to buy one, so some advice are very appreciated. Brand, model, fabric, volume, dimension......

    Thanks in advance

  5. I have a pair of Paratec GTX, i love them. They save every time that i attempt an urban jump. Incredibly rock solid for ankle. Incredibly. Another feature that i love is the grip, very very solid. Are two features were the Patatec GTX don't work at best. If i need to make a long hike, my calves are not in a comfortable position due to the height and rigidity of the boots. The other feature is this: when you must jump from a barrier, and the exit is position seated, the height and rigidity of the boots don't permit to move the balance of the ankle, so you have the excursion of the movement reduced.
    They have pro and cons, but i really love landing with
    In the next future i'll take also the Airborne GTX
    Hope this helps

  6. I have some money to take a rangefinder, so i am gone on and i see a lot of them.
    which is a machine that do a good job for the BASE game?
    I am in doubt between the YardageProLegend and the YardageProSport? The price is really different but they do same work? Go to the cheap one or to the expensive one?
    Any experience-advice are very appreciated!
    Happy new year
    Play low

  7. Our sport is very personal. But is incredible to see someone put his energy for the entire community, and for the entire, i mean all the world. The real thing that i appreciated is the pure istinct to try to share the romantic value of our sport. Try to explain what BASE COULD GIVE TO EVERYONE, and so for all the people, in different manner for each of us. In this way the whole world could be really different. Really. In this way, if you can live all the BASE feeling, you can really think.
    This is for me the one of the 'biggest' dream.
    But is also my reality.


  8. i remember that some one had the t-shirt with the words of DW: "no guilty, no coscience......". i remember something like this.
    i would to take a couple of this t-shirt.
    some info are very apprecated